Auditory dysfunction observed in patients with cognitive diseases is probably due to the alteration of some brain areas involved in sound stimulus processing. The present study aimed to investigate differences in such processing and in connectivity of the primary auditory cortex in patients affected by Alzheimer's disease (AD) and in normal subjects. We examined 131 diagnosed AD patients and a control group (CG) of 36 normal subjects. After a complete clinical investigation, focused on hearing function, all subjects underwent a brain FDG PET/CT. AD subjects vs CG showed reduced glucose consumption in BA 6,7,8,39, whereas we did not find differences in the primary auditory cortex. In AD, connectivity analyses showed a positive correlation of...
Background/Aims: Central auditory function can be studied to monitor the progression of mild cogniti...
BackgroundHearing loss in older adults is associated with increased dementia risk. Underlying mechan...
The location and motion of sounds in space are important cues for encoding the auditory world. Spati...
Auditory dysfunction observed in patients with cognitive diseases is probably due to the alteration ...
Many studies have focused on the relationship between hearing loss and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The...
ObjectiveTo examine whether neuropathologic burden is associated with hearing impairment.MethodsWe s...
Objective: to investigate auditory function in subjects with early Alzheimer’s disease, mild cogniti...
Using data from the COMPASS-ND study we investigated associations between hearing loss and hippocamp...
Hearing-loss (HL) is prevalent in adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a risk state for Alzh...
Age-related hearing loss is a widespread condition among the elderly, affecting communication and so...
Central auditory processing · Dementia · Hearing Background/Aims: Central auditory function can be s...
Music is a complex acoustic signal that relies on a number of different brain and cognitive processe...
AbstractObjectivesTo evaluate peripheral auditory dysfunction in senile dementia of Alzheimer’s dise...
AbstractThe cognition of nonverbal sounds in dementia has been relatively little explored. Here we u...
The location and motion of sounds in space are important cues for encoding the auditory world. Spati...
Background/Aims: Central auditory function can be studied to monitor the progression of mild cogniti...
BackgroundHearing loss in older adults is associated with increased dementia risk. Underlying mechan...
The location and motion of sounds in space are important cues for encoding the auditory world. Spati...
Auditory dysfunction observed in patients with cognitive diseases is probably due to the alteration ...
Many studies have focused on the relationship between hearing loss and Alzheimer’s Disease (AD). The...
ObjectiveTo examine whether neuropathologic burden is associated with hearing impairment.MethodsWe s...
Objective: to investigate auditory function in subjects with early Alzheimer’s disease, mild cogniti...
Using data from the COMPASS-ND study we investigated associations between hearing loss and hippocamp...
Hearing-loss (HL) is prevalent in adults with mild cognitive impairment (MCI), a risk state for Alzh...
Age-related hearing loss is a widespread condition among the elderly, affecting communication and so...
Central auditory processing · Dementia · Hearing Background/Aims: Central auditory function can be s...
Music is a complex acoustic signal that relies on a number of different brain and cognitive processe...
AbstractObjectivesTo evaluate peripheral auditory dysfunction in senile dementia of Alzheimer’s dise...
AbstractThe cognition of nonverbal sounds in dementia has been relatively little explored. Here we u...
The location and motion of sounds in space are important cues for encoding the auditory world. Spati...
Background/Aims: Central auditory function can be studied to monitor the progression of mild cogniti...
BackgroundHearing loss in older adults is associated with increased dementia risk. Underlying mechan...
The location and motion of sounds in space are important cues for encoding the auditory world. Spati...