Analiza proteinskih karakteristika i patogenosti varijanti optineurina u amiotrofičnoj lateralnoj sklerozi i glaukomu primjenom bioinformatike

  • Franjkić, Toni
Publication date
September 2032
University of Rijeka. Department of Biotechnology.


Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) is a severe, rapidly progressive neurodegenerative disease that affects upper and lower motor neurons. ALS is characterized by high genetic heterogeneity – so far 17 confirmed or “gold standard” genes and 100 potential risk factors - have been linked to this disease. One of the confirmed genes is OPTN, which encodes for optineurin, a multifunctional, ubiquitin binding adaptor protein proposed to act in various biological processes. OPTN mutations have also been found in glaucoma, another neurodegenerative disease, encompassing a group of eye conditions in which the optic nerve is damaged. The aim of this work was to examine optineurin protein features and to compare OPTN variants present in ALS and glauco...

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