Imagine you have just been given a modest amount of extra money that you would like to invest. If hiring a financial advisor is out of your price range, you could consider turning to a “robo-advisor” for help. Robo-advisors—or automated financial advice websites—are on the rise. Two leading investment management firms, BlackRock and Vanguard, have already instituted robo-advisor websites that work in conjunction with human advisors. Although robo-advisors present the possibility of lower-cost, and potentially higher-quality, financial advice, they can also create a new set of challenges for the state and federal agencies that regulate the financial services industry. In a recent paper, two scholars consider the ways in which robo-advisors ...
Different types of financial advisers serve the massive and widely dispersed retail investment marke...
Access to financial advice has been a matter of concern for financial regulators and policy-makers. ...
The fast development of robo-advice has responded to a growing demand for automation and enhanced ca...
Automated financial product advisors – “robo advisors” – are emerging across the financial services ...
Financial “robo advice”—an automated service that ranks or matches consumers to financial products—h...
In general, a robo advisor can be defined as an automated service that ranks, or matches, consumers ...
Automated investment advice platforms, also known as “roboadvisors”, are investment advice tools tha...
Robo-advisors are online services that use computer algorithms to provide financial advice and manag...
Robo-advisers, which provide algorithmic investment advice, are becoming increasingly prevalent play...
Digital investment advice, or robo-advice, is a growing trend in the financial services industry. It...
The ongoing institutional debate wonders whether robo advice may potentially bridge the advice gap, ...
This working paper surveys the decumulation services offered by investment robo-advisors as a case s...
The financial services industry is facing existence-threatening changes due to the implementation of...
Technological advancement has created the possibility of providing investment advice and managing fu...
This paper investigates the threat of robo-advisors to the wealth management industry as trends show...
Different types of financial advisers serve the massive and widely dispersed retail investment marke...
Access to financial advice has been a matter of concern for financial regulators and policy-makers. ...
The fast development of robo-advice has responded to a growing demand for automation and enhanced ca...
Automated financial product advisors – “robo advisors” – are emerging across the financial services ...
Financial “robo advice”—an automated service that ranks or matches consumers to financial products—h...
In general, a robo advisor can be defined as an automated service that ranks, or matches, consumers ...
Automated investment advice platforms, also known as “roboadvisors”, are investment advice tools tha...
Robo-advisors are online services that use computer algorithms to provide financial advice and manag...
Robo-advisers, which provide algorithmic investment advice, are becoming increasingly prevalent play...
Digital investment advice, or robo-advice, is a growing trend in the financial services industry. It...
The ongoing institutional debate wonders whether robo advice may potentially bridge the advice gap, ...
This working paper surveys the decumulation services offered by investment robo-advisors as a case s...
The financial services industry is facing existence-threatening changes due to the implementation of...
Technological advancement has created the possibility of providing investment advice and managing fu...
This paper investigates the threat of robo-advisors to the wealth management industry as trends show...
Different types of financial advisers serve the massive and widely dispersed retail investment marke...
Access to financial advice has been a matter of concern for financial regulators and policy-makers. ...
The fast development of robo-advice has responded to a growing demand for automation and enhanced ca...