64 HalamanSafety driving merupakan dasar pelatihan mengemudi lebih lanjut yang memperhatikan keselamatan bagi pengemudi dan penumpang. Safety driving di rancang untuk meningkatkan kesadaran pengemudi terhadap segala kemungkinan yang terjadi selama mengemudi. Safety driving dipengaruhi oleh beberapa faktor antara lain faktor manusia seperti umur, tingkat pendidikan, pengalaman bekerja, dan tentang safety driving. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menganalisis dan mengetahui persepsi pengemudi angkutan kota berdasarkan faktor-faktor safety driving di trayek Pinang Baris – Belawan di kota Medan. Teknik analisis dan pengolahan data yang digunakan adalah uji validitas, uji reliabilitas, uji normalitas, uji korelasi, uji mann whitney dan uji kruskal...
The number of accidents that occurred in the city of Bekasi during January to July 2015 there has be...
One of cause accidents is human error, which reflected in the dangerous behavior of driving a bus. E...
Perkembangan transportasi terus menjamur dan berkembang sehingga mempengaruhi peningkatan kendaraan ...
Safety driving adalah perilaku mengemudi yang aman yang bisa membantu untuk menghindari masalah lalu...
Safety driving merupakan cara yang efektif untuk menurunkan angka kejadian kecelakaan akibat pengemu...
Dua target yang menjadi perhatian serius di dunia yang berhubungan dengan faktor keselamatan penggu...
Traffic is a major factor supporting the productivity of labor, so we must realize the potential haz...
Safety driving merupakan bagian dari budaya keselamatan jalan (road safety culture) yang melihat bag...
In Indonesia, the transportation is growing rapidly in terms of both quality and quantity, This deve...
Safety Driving is the basis for further driving training that pays attention to the safety of driver...
There was an increase in traffic accident cases at 5.13% from 2015 (96,233 cases) to 2016 (106,644 c...
Safety driving is an effective way to reduce the incidence of accidents due to driver inattention wh...
The development of road capacity is not in line with the development of the population and the incre...
Safety driving is part of the road safety culture to see how safety a person in the act of driving. ...
Safety driving is a driving behavior to help driver in avoiding traffic problems. Data from the Dire...
The number of accidents that occurred in the city of Bekasi during January to July 2015 there has be...
One of cause accidents is human error, which reflected in the dangerous behavior of driving a bus. E...
Perkembangan transportasi terus menjamur dan berkembang sehingga mempengaruhi peningkatan kendaraan ...
Safety driving adalah perilaku mengemudi yang aman yang bisa membantu untuk menghindari masalah lalu...
Safety driving merupakan cara yang efektif untuk menurunkan angka kejadian kecelakaan akibat pengemu...
Dua target yang menjadi perhatian serius di dunia yang berhubungan dengan faktor keselamatan penggu...
Traffic is a major factor supporting the productivity of labor, so we must realize the potential haz...
Safety driving merupakan bagian dari budaya keselamatan jalan (road safety culture) yang melihat bag...
In Indonesia, the transportation is growing rapidly in terms of both quality and quantity, This deve...
Safety Driving is the basis for further driving training that pays attention to the safety of driver...
There was an increase in traffic accident cases at 5.13% from 2015 (96,233 cases) to 2016 (106,644 c...
Safety driving is an effective way to reduce the incidence of accidents due to driver inattention wh...
The development of road capacity is not in line with the development of the population and the incre...
Safety driving is part of the road safety culture to see how safety a person in the act of driving. ...
Safety driving is a driving behavior to help driver in avoiding traffic problems. Data from the Dire...
The number of accidents that occurred in the city of Bekasi during January to July 2015 there has be...
One of cause accidents is human error, which reflected in the dangerous behavior of driving a bus. E...
Perkembangan transportasi terus menjamur dan berkembang sehingga mempengaruhi peningkatan kendaraan ...