104 HalamanPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Dukungan Keluarga Dengan Kecemasan Ibu Hamil Trimester Ketiga Di Klinik Pratama. Jenis penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kuantitatif korelasional. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 45 orang. Dengan menggunakan total sampling sebanyak 45 Ibu Trimester Ketiga. Pengukuran dukungan keluarga dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala Likert. Pengukuran kecemasan dilakukan dengan menggunakan skala Guttman. Metode analis data yang digunakan pada penelitian ini adalah product moment dari Karl Pearson. Diketahui bahwa ada hubungan negatif antara dukungan keluarga dengan kecemasan, dimana rxy = -0,558 dengan signifikan p = 0.000 < 0,050. Artinya hipotesis yang diajukan dinyatakan ...
Pregnancy Related Anxiety (PRA) is an anxiety felt by pregnant woman related to pregnancy. PRA is d...
Background : The first pregnant is the first experience for a woman. Support from their familyand th...
Background: The husband's support is a manifestation of the attitude of attention, affection, respec...
148 HalamanDukungan keluarga merupakan sikap, tindakan, dan penerimaan terhadap keluarga dan dukunga...
122 HalamanPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Dukungan Suami Dengan Kecemasan Ibu Ha...
Family support is a process of relationship between the family and its social environment that is ac...
Efforts to reduce the anxiety of pregnant women include family support because it can provide peace,...
Family emotional support is an important factor for successful delivery time. A woman who has a harm...
The purpose of this researchwas to determine the relationship between knowledge aboutpregnancy and f...
During pregnancy, the mother will experience changes in physical and emotional conditions, which are...
Anxiety is a feeling of restlessness, nervousness or anxiety about something with uncertain outcome ...
Pendahuluan : Kecemasan adalah perasaan takut yang tidak jelas dan tidak didukung oleh situasi. Kece...
Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin melihat hubungan Dukungan Sosial dengan Kecemasan pada Ibu Hamil di ...
Pregnancy is a natural thing that happens to produce women. When a mother finds out that she is preg...
Pregnancy and childbirth is a process that can cause changes in a woman's body physiologically and p...
Pregnancy Related Anxiety (PRA) is an anxiety felt by pregnant woman related to pregnancy. PRA is d...
Background : The first pregnant is the first experience for a woman. Support from their familyand th...
Background: The husband's support is a manifestation of the attitude of attention, affection, respec...
148 HalamanDukungan keluarga merupakan sikap, tindakan, dan penerimaan terhadap keluarga dan dukunga...
122 HalamanPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui Hubungan Dukungan Suami Dengan Kecemasan Ibu Ha...
Family support is a process of relationship between the family and its social environment that is ac...
Efforts to reduce the anxiety of pregnant women include family support because it can provide peace,...
Family emotional support is an important factor for successful delivery time. A woman who has a harm...
The purpose of this researchwas to determine the relationship between knowledge aboutpregnancy and f...
During pregnancy, the mother will experience changes in physical and emotional conditions, which are...
Anxiety is a feeling of restlessness, nervousness or anxiety about something with uncertain outcome ...
Pendahuluan : Kecemasan adalah perasaan takut yang tidak jelas dan tidak didukung oleh situasi. Kece...
Penelitian ini bertujuan ingin melihat hubungan Dukungan Sosial dengan Kecemasan pada Ibu Hamil di ...
Pregnancy is a natural thing that happens to produce women. When a mother finds out that she is preg...
Pregnancy and childbirth is a process that can cause changes in a woman's body physiologically and p...
Pregnancy Related Anxiety (PRA) is an anxiety felt by pregnant woman related to pregnancy. PRA is d...
Background : The first pregnant is the first experience for a woman. Support from their familyand th...
Background: The husband's support is a manifestation of the attitude of attention, affection, respec...