72 HalamanUpah minimum dalam mewujudkan kesejahteraan pekerja/buruh sebagai jaring pengaman sangat penting. Sebagai jaring pengaman, upah minimum harus menjadi patokan atau garis minimum dalam pemberian upah kepada pekerja/buruh agar upah pekerja/buruh tidak merosot tajam sampai pada titik terendah. Rumusan masalah dalam penelitian ini adalah bagaimana bentuk perlindungan hukum terhadap buruh yang tidak mendapatkan Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) dengan Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT) dan bagaimana mekanisme penanganan perselisihan mengenai Upah Minimum Provinsi (UMP) yang tidak dipenuhi pada Perjanjian Kerja Waktu Tertentu (PKWT) di Dinas Ketenagakerjaan Provinsi Sumatera Utara. Jenis penelitian yang digunakan dalam penulisan skripsi ...
The existence of Pancasila Industrial Relations in Indonesia, which consists of three parties namely...
The main policy problem of labor and manpower in Indonesian provinces, as exemplified by the case st...
The aim of this research was conducted analyze legal protection for workers' contracts, who are dism...
Implementation of legal protection against the minimum wage for workers in the province of Yogyakar...
Wages are workers right that are received and expressed in the form of money as reward from the empl...
The problems are formulated as: 1) Has the minumum subsistance wage and the implementation of wage s...
Implementation of legal protection against the minimum wage for workers in the province of Yogyakar...
The problems are formulated as: 1) Has the minumum subsistance wage and the implementation of wage s...
ABSTRACTThis research is based on the consideration that the payment of wages for workers/laborers i...
The implementation of the minimum wage policy known to Indonesia is the provincial minimum wage (PMW...
This research was intended so that the readers understood regarding ProvincialMinimum Wage (Upah Min...
With several current laws, legal protection is an attempt to safeguard the government or other autho...
The results of the study show that legally it is emphasized that employers/companies are prohibit...
Wages are the most vulnerable in industrial relations. Life Components (KHL) as the basis for the d...
The main policy problem of labor and manpower in Indonesian provinces, as exemplified by the case st...
The existence of Pancasila Industrial Relations in Indonesia, which consists of three parties namely...
The main policy problem of labor and manpower in Indonesian provinces, as exemplified by the case st...
The aim of this research was conducted analyze legal protection for workers' contracts, who are dism...
Implementation of legal protection against the minimum wage for workers in the province of Yogyakar...
Wages are workers right that are received and expressed in the form of money as reward from the empl...
The problems are formulated as: 1) Has the minumum subsistance wage and the implementation of wage s...
Implementation of legal protection against the minimum wage for workers in the province of Yogyakar...
The problems are formulated as: 1) Has the minumum subsistance wage and the implementation of wage s...
ABSTRACTThis research is based on the consideration that the payment of wages for workers/laborers i...
The implementation of the minimum wage policy known to Indonesia is the provincial minimum wage (PMW...
This research was intended so that the readers understood regarding ProvincialMinimum Wage (Upah Min...
With several current laws, legal protection is an attempt to safeguard the government or other autho...
The results of the study show that legally it is emphasized that employers/companies are prohibit...
Wages are the most vulnerable in industrial relations. Life Components (KHL) as the basis for the d...
The main policy problem of labor and manpower in Indonesian provinces, as exemplified by the case st...
The existence of Pancasila Industrial Relations in Indonesia, which consists of three parties namely...
The main policy problem of labor and manpower in Indonesian provinces, as exemplified by the case st...
The aim of this research was conducted analyze legal protection for workers' contracts, who are dism...