61 HalamanKejahatan perjudian diatur secara jelas dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana Pasal 303 dan Pasal 303 bis KUHP serta dalam Undang-Undang Nomor 7 Tahun 1974 tentang Penertiban Perjudian. Judi togel (toto gelap) merupakan judi yang banyak dijumpai, judi ini dilakukan yaitu dengan cara menebak dua angka atau lebih. Prinsip dalam berjudi secara umum adalah sama yakni bertujuan untuk mendapat keuntungan jika menang taruhan. Semakin besar uang atau barang yang dipertaruhkan harganya akan semakin besar pula uang yang didapat. Judi togel (toto gelap) merupakan judi yang banyak dijumpai, Judi ini dilakukan yaitu dengan cara menebak dua angka atau lebih. Bila tebakannya tepat maka pembeli mendapatkan hadiah beberapa ratus ribu ata...
Criminal offenses related to gambling are regulated in Article 303 of the Indonesian Penal Code (KUH...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang (1) Apakah yang menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya perjudian di ling...
ABSTRACT The research objectives are : (1) To find out the effort of the police about misdemeanor of...
99 HalamanMajelis hakim Pengadilan Negeri Lubuk Pakam dalam memutuskan perkara tindak pidana perjudi...
This study aims to determine the efforts made by the police to overcome the crime of lottery’s gambl...
ABSTRACK: This study aims to discuss Law Enforcement Against Online Togel Gambling at the Central Ma...
Gambling is a criminal act that has been be entrenched in the people of Indonesia is no exception be...
Law enforcement is the job of the national police, it can be mentioned that the police as the law of...
This research analyzes the application of criminal law to gambling offenses and the efforts of law e...
The phenomenon of gambling is nothing new in people's lives, from the past until now the practice of...
70 HalamanPenegakan hukum dilaksanakan oleh penegak hukum. Pelaksanaan hukum di dalam masyarakat sel...
Penegakan hukum adalah suatu proses untuk mewujudkan keinginan – keinginan hukum.Hakim memiliki pera...
This research was conducted with the following objectives to find out the inhibiting factors in over...
The objectives to be achieved in this study are to find out the factors causing the rampant gambling...
Gambling is an option that is considered very promising for profits without having to work hard. Gam...
Criminal offenses related to gambling are regulated in Article 303 of the Indonesian Penal Code (KUH...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang (1) Apakah yang menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya perjudian di ling...
ABSTRACT The research objectives are : (1) To find out the effort of the police about misdemeanor of...
99 HalamanMajelis hakim Pengadilan Negeri Lubuk Pakam dalam memutuskan perkara tindak pidana perjudi...
This study aims to determine the efforts made by the police to overcome the crime of lottery’s gambl...
ABSTRACK: This study aims to discuss Law Enforcement Against Online Togel Gambling at the Central Ma...
Gambling is a criminal act that has been be entrenched in the people of Indonesia is no exception be...
Law enforcement is the job of the national police, it can be mentioned that the police as the law of...
This research analyzes the application of criminal law to gambling offenses and the efforts of law e...
The phenomenon of gambling is nothing new in people's lives, from the past until now the practice of...
70 HalamanPenegakan hukum dilaksanakan oleh penegak hukum. Pelaksanaan hukum di dalam masyarakat sel...
Penegakan hukum adalah suatu proses untuk mewujudkan keinginan – keinginan hukum.Hakim memiliki pera...
This research was conducted with the following objectives to find out the inhibiting factors in over...
The objectives to be achieved in this study are to find out the factors causing the rampant gambling...
Gambling is an option that is considered very promising for profits without having to work hard. Gam...
Criminal offenses related to gambling are regulated in Article 303 of the Indonesian Penal Code (KUH...
Penelitian ini membahas tentang (1) Apakah yang menjadi faktor penyebab terjadinya perjudian di ling...
ABSTRACT The research objectives are : (1) To find out the effort of the police about misdemeanor of...