65 HalamanPenganiayaan merupakan perbuatan yang dilakukan dengan sengaja untuk menimbulkan rasa sakit atau luka pada tubuh orang lain. Tindak pidana penganiayaan diatur dalam Bab ke-XX Buku ke-II KUHP dalam Pasal 351 sampai dengan Pasal 355. Faktor penyebab terjadinya penganiayaan tersebut adalah kesalahpahaman dan tujuan dari penganiayaan tersebut adalah untuk balas dendam. Pertimbangan hakim atas tidak adanya barang bukti dalam tindak pidana penganiayaan pada putusan Nomor : 317/Pid.B/2018/Pn.Mdn adalah dengan mempertimbangkan tidak adanya alasan pembenar dan alasan pemaaf, mempertimbangkan hal-hal yang meringankan dan hal-hal yang memberatkan, mempertimbangkan fakta persidangan dan alat-alat bukti yang sah, serta memperhatikan Pasal 351 ...
The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the actions of the defendant already fulfill...
The exitence of provisions regarding evidence and evidence before the trial in proving the dedendant...
ABSTRACT Crime is currently growing. Now in committing crimes can not only be done by one person, bu...
Crime is an act or series of human actions that are contrary to the law. Persecution is an act of in...
Persecution is a savage act carried out by someone to hurt others both physically and mentally. The ...
The problem that often occurs in the community is persecution. Based on the decision issued by the S...
The judge's decision is the end of the criminal trial process for the examination stage of a crimina...
The crime in the case of Decision Number 395/Pid.Sus/2018/PN.Bkn which occurred at the Bangkinang Di...
This study aims to consider the legal considerations of judges in dropping cases of the abuse of wit...
74 HalamanRumah tangga adalah sebuah tempat untuk membentuk keluarga yang di da-lamnya terdiri dari ...
ABSTRACT Threats accompanied by violence are often underestimated by the community, where even thou...
Criminal acts or crimes as actions committed by humans always experience developments in society. Ch...
Maltreatment is an act that causes injury or pain to someone which is done on purpose. The maltreatm...
The judge's legal considerations are very important in court decisions, but there are times when jud...
Criminal act often occur in Indonesia but not all criminal act can be subject to criminal law. Noowe...
The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the actions of the defendant already fulfill...
The exitence of provisions regarding evidence and evidence before the trial in proving the dedendant...
ABSTRACT Crime is currently growing. Now in committing crimes can not only be done by one person, bu...
Crime is an act or series of human actions that are contrary to the law. Persecution is an act of in...
Persecution is a savage act carried out by someone to hurt others both physically and mentally. The ...
The problem that often occurs in the community is persecution. Based on the decision issued by the S...
The judge's decision is the end of the criminal trial process for the examination stage of a crimina...
The crime in the case of Decision Number 395/Pid.Sus/2018/PN.Bkn which occurred at the Bangkinang Di...
This study aims to consider the legal considerations of judges in dropping cases of the abuse of wit...
74 HalamanRumah tangga adalah sebuah tempat untuk membentuk keluarga yang di da-lamnya terdiri dari ...
ABSTRACT Threats accompanied by violence are often underestimated by the community, where even thou...
Criminal acts or crimes as actions committed by humans always experience developments in society. Ch...
Maltreatment is an act that causes injury or pain to someone which is done on purpose. The maltreatm...
The judge's legal considerations are very important in court decisions, but there are times when jud...
Criminal act often occur in Indonesia but not all criminal act can be subject to criminal law. Noowe...
The purpose of this study was to provide an overview of the actions of the defendant already fulfill...
The exitence of provisions regarding evidence and evidence before the trial in proving the dedendant...
ABSTRACT Crime is currently growing. Now in committing crimes can not only be done by one person, bu...