siapapun yang dipanjangkan umurnya pasti kekuatan fisiknya akan semakin berkurang. Baik mata, telinga, dan segala macam, itu akan dikurangi Allah, dan kekurangan itulah salah satu penyebab timbulnya penyakit. Apapun penyakit yang datang, kita wajib untuk berobat. Tetapi apapun hasil dari obat itu, kita tetap harus berharap kepada Allah dan jangan berburuk sangka apalagi berputus asa. Allah memberikan penyakit kepada kita bukan karena benci. Karena orang-orang yang dimuliakan-Nya juga pernah diberikan sakit, termasuk Nabi Ayyub As. maka jika kita sakit, berserah dirilah kepada Allah dan teruslah mengharapkan rahmat-Nya agar kita termasuk kedalam orang-orang yang bertaqwa. Mudah-mudahan bermanfaat untuk kita semua.whoever is prolonged his ...
The religious concern for health problems is amazing. That is partly because various human activitie...
Throughout history, scientists have sought to offer a true definition of health as a concept closely...
The concept of health and illness itself often relates to the relationship between blessings and cur...
Health is the main asset for a person to be able to live a good life. Suffering from a disease will ...
Health is something that is the hope of all creatures on this earth. Carrying out all activities suc...
Dalam satu riwayat disebutkan bahwa Rasul itu pernah mendapat hadiah seorang tabib dari salah satu ...
Kata Rasulullah, “Setiap penyakit ada obatnya.” Hanya kadang kita tidak menemukan obat yang sesuai. ...
Allah menjelaskan agar kita selalu tolong menolong, berkolaborasi, saling peduli, saling berbagi, ad...
Introduction: Islam has considered “Health” of human beings from different angles such as physical a...
Al-Qur'an as a noble holy book and a guide for human life, always guides people to be positive for t...
Ruqyah Syar’iyyah is one of Sunnah Prophet Muhammad in treating diseases and disorders syaithan, tha...
The various disturbances and difficulties that a person faces in his life may reduce his physical an...
This article explains what called spiritual disease in the Holy Quran perspective. There are many sp...
Perjalanan hidup yang kita lalui selalu mengalami pasang dan surut. Kadang kita bahagia, tapi terkad...
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bahwa seorang penderita penyakit fisik terutama yang dikate...
The religious concern for health problems is amazing. That is partly because various human activitie...
Throughout history, scientists have sought to offer a true definition of health as a concept closely...
The concept of health and illness itself often relates to the relationship between blessings and cur...
Health is the main asset for a person to be able to live a good life. Suffering from a disease will ...
Health is something that is the hope of all creatures on this earth. Carrying out all activities suc...
Dalam satu riwayat disebutkan bahwa Rasul itu pernah mendapat hadiah seorang tabib dari salah satu ...
Kata Rasulullah, “Setiap penyakit ada obatnya.” Hanya kadang kita tidak menemukan obat yang sesuai. ...
Allah menjelaskan agar kita selalu tolong menolong, berkolaborasi, saling peduli, saling berbagi, ad...
Introduction: Islam has considered “Health” of human beings from different angles such as physical a...
Al-Qur'an as a noble holy book and a guide for human life, always guides people to be positive for t...
Ruqyah Syar’iyyah is one of Sunnah Prophet Muhammad in treating diseases and disorders syaithan, tha...
The various disturbances and difficulties that a person faces in his life may reduce his physical an...
This article explains what called spiritual disease in the Holy Quran perspective. There are many sp...
Perjalanan hidup yang kita lalui selalu mengalami pasang dan surut. Kadang kita bahagia, tapi terkad...
Tulisan ini bertujuan untuk menjelaskan bahwa seorang penderita penyakit fisik terutama yang dikate...
The religious concern for health problems is amazing. That is partly because various human activitie...
Throughout history, scientists have sought to offer a true definition of health as a concept closely...
The concept of health and illness itself often relates to the relationship between blessings and cur...