124 HalamanHutan di Indonesia merupakan salah satu pusat keanekaragaman hayati di dunia. Hutan Indonesia merupakan rumah bagi ribuan jenis flora dan fauna yang banyak diantara endemik di Indonesia. oleh sebab itu segala aspek kehidupan baik warga negara dan pemerintah wajib menjaga serta mempertahankan sumber daya tersebut. Saat ini banyak terjadi perusakan hutan yang dilakukan oleh masyarakat baik perorangan atau korporasi secara sengaja maupun tidak sengaja dengan tujuan yang berbeda-beda. Seperti halnya yang terjadi pada Putusan Nomor 265/Pid.Sus-LH/2021/PT MDN dimana Aparat desa melakukan pembukaan jalan umum dengan melintasi kawasan hutan lindung, hal tersebut berpotensi merusak ekosistem yang berada di kawasan tersebut, diman...
Environmental crime happened a long time and occurs every year in Indonesia. In carrying out law enf...
Forests in Indonesia are numerous and extensive, functioning as the lungs of the world, of course fo...
Illegal logging is a problem that is difficult to stop, even though the problem is an act of violati...
Kajian pertanggungjawaban hukum pidananya merupakan norma yuridis yang sedang berlaku di Indonsia ya...
Forests are an environment that must be protected. Forest protection is carried out by establishing ...
Forests are an environment that must be protected. Forest protection is carried out by establishing ...
This study aims to find out the differences and similarities about forest destruction, to assess the...
This paper analyzes the criminal acts of destruction of protected forest areas carried out by the co...
108 HalamanIndonesia merupakan negara dengan endemisme (tingkat endemik) yang tinggi. Diperkirakan s...
Abstract Forests are the lungs of the earth that produce huge amounts of oxygen that humans need to ...
Forests are an invaluable asset of the nation and state. The state based on its authority has made s...
Forests are an invaluable asset of the nation and state. The state based on its authority has made s...
This paper analyzes the criminal acts of destruction of protected forest areas carried out by the co...
Criminal sanctions cumulatively , impact / consequences of criminal acts in the field of Forestry is...
The study aims to determine the punishment rules for illegal loggers on criminal law and indonesia,...
Environmental crime happened a long time and occurs every year in Indonesia. In carrying out law enf...
Forests in Indonesia are numerous and extensive, functioning as the lungs of the world, of course fo...
Illegal logging is a problem that is difficult to stop, even though the problem is an act of violati...
Kajian pertanggungjawaban hukum pidananya merupakan norma yuridis yang sedang berlaku di Indonsia ya...
Forests are an environment that must be protected. Forest protection is carried out by establishing ...
Forests are an environment that must be protected. Forest protection is carried out by establishing ...
This study aims to find out the differences and similarities about forest destruction, to assess the...
This paper analyzes the criminal acts of destruction of protected forest areas carried out by the co...
108 HalamanIndonesia merupakan negara dengan endemisme (tingkat endemik) yang tinggi. Diperkirakan s...
Abstract Forests are the lungs of the earth that produce huge amounts of oxygen that humans need to ...
Forests are an invaluable asset of the nation and state. The state based on its authority has made s...
Forests are an invaluable asset of the nation and state. The state based on its authority has made s...
This paper analyzes the criminal acts of destruction of protected forest areas carried out by the co...
Criminal sanctions cumulatively , impact / consequences of criminal acts in the field of Forestry is...
The study aims to determine the punishment rules for illegal loggers on criminal law and indonesia,...
Environmental crime happened a long time and occurs every year in Indonesia. In carrying out law enf...
Forests in Indonesia are numerous and extensive, functioning as the lungs of the world, of course fo...
Illegal logging is a problem that is difficult to stop, even though the problem is an act of violati...