91 HalamanBahwa efektivitas anggaran yang berfokus pada belanja langsung terhadap program kegiatan dan anggaran belanja langsung dari tahun 2018 sampai dengan 2019 mengalami fluktuasi dan target anggaran tidak sesuai dengan realisasi, hal ini mengindikasikan bahwa Sekretaris Daerah Kabupaten Batu Bara masih belum menerapkan sistem kinerja anggaran secara efektif berdasarkan permasalahan diatas dan data laporan realisasi anggaran dan capaian kinerja badan karena anggaran belanja yang ditetapkan selama 3 tahun anggaran tidak tercapai dalam realisasinya. Adapun tujuan penelitian yaitu untuk mengetahui bagaimana implementasi analisis implementasi sistem kinerja anggaran pada Bagian Umum Sekretariat Daerah Kabupaten Batu Bara. Untuk mengetahui f...
The purpose of the study was to analyze what factors influence the Performance Based Budget by using...
This study aims to assess performance of Regional Budget (APBD) which includes revenues, spending/ex...
One purpose of the application of performance-based budgeting is to obtain maximum benefit from the ...
This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of local revenues with a case study on Kabupaten Batub...
The result of this research indicates that although the leader and staff in regency understand the m...
The purpose of this research is to examine the implementation of performance-based budgeting in the ...
The purpose of this study is to apply its budgeting system to a performance-based budget system. Thr...
Implementasi Performance Based Budgeting sebagai paradigma baru proses penganggaran di Pemerintahan...
72 HalamanKetidakseimbangan dalam membuat peraturan daerah yang dilaksanakan oleh eksekutive dan leg...
Anggaran berbasis kinerja merupakan metode penganggaran bagi manajemen untuk mengaitkan setiap penda...
The increase of employees' performance has become the focus of all departments in the government, st...
Perubahan sistem penganggaran dari anggaran tradisional menjadi anggaran berbasis kinerja dilakukan ...
Perubahan sistem penganggaran dari tradisional menjadi anggaran berbasis kinerja dilakukan untuk mem...
Changes in performance-based budgeting system (performance budgeting) that pro-motes community parti...
Management reform in public sector, especially in financial management, is one of political policy o...
The purpose of the study was to analyze what factors influence the Performance Based Budget by using...
This study aims to assess performance of Regional Budget (APBD) which includes revenues, spending/ex...
One purpose of the application of performance-based budgeting is to obtain maximum benefit from the ...
This study aimed to analyze the effectiveness of local revenues with a case study on Kabupaten Batub...
The result of this research indicates that although the leader and staff in regency understand the m...
The purpose of this research is to examine the implementation of performance-based budgeting in the ...
The purpose of this study is to apply its budgeting system to a performance-based budget system. Thr...
Implementasi Performance Based Budgeting sebagai paradigma baru proses penganggaran di Pemerintahan...
72 HalamanKetidakseimbangan dalam membuat peraturan daerah yang dilaksanakan oleh eksekutive dan leg...
Anggaran berbasis kinerja merupakan metode penganggaran bagi manajemen untuk mengaitkan setiap penda...
The increase of employees' performance has become the focus of all departments in the government, st...
Perubahan sistem penganggaran dari anggaran tradisional menjadi anggaran berbasis kinerja dilakukan ...
Perubahan sistem penganggaran dari tradisional menjadi anggaran berbasis kinerja dilakukan untuk mem...
Changes in performance-based budgeting system (performance budgeting) that pro-motes community parti...
Management reform in public sector, especially in financial management, is one of political policy o...
The purpose of the study was to analyze what factors influence the Performance Based Budget by using...
This study aims to assess performance of Regional Budget (APBD) which includes revenues, spending/ex...
One purpose of the application of performance-based budgeting is to obtain maximum benefit from the ...