110 HalamanSertifikat sebagai salah satu dokumen pertanahan merupakan hasil proses pendaftaran tanah, dan dokumen tertulis yang memuat data fisik serta data yuridis tanah yang bersangkutan. Dokumen-dokumen pertanahan tersebut dapat dipakai sebagai jaminan dan menjadi pegangan bagi pihak yang memiliki kepentingan atas tanah tersebut. Kekuatan pembuktian sertifikat tanah adalah kuat selama tidak ada pihak lain yang membuktikan sebaliknya ataupun tidak ada kecurangan dalam asal-usul penerbitannya. Jika asal usul penerbitan sertifikat berasal dari hak dasar yang palsu yaitu Surat Keterangan Camat yang dipalsukan maka serta merta sertifikat tanah tersebut menjadi cacat hukum. Maka dari itu perlu ditindak tegas terhadap pelaku tindak pidana pemal...
The lack of precision between the buyer and the land deed official is a factor in the emergence of t...
A certificate is strong evidence of the right which means that, as long as it cannot be proved eithe...
One criminal case is fraudulent money. Because of the fact as mentioned above, people become restle...
Land certificates issued by agencies of the National Land Agency, or BPN have signs or traits that h...
Pemalsuan merupakan salah satu tindak pidana yang diatur dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana. Khu...
Counterfeiting a criminal offense has developed quite complex and because the object is forged money...
12 HalamanDalam penelitian ini penulis mempergunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. hal ini men...
105 HalamanMengingat tingginya tingkat tindak pidana di bidang kepabeanan di Indonesia, berikut pote...
Abstract: Recently, criminalization has been rampant in Indonesia. One of the actions is counterfeit...
Crime of counterfeiting currency nowadays increasingly rampant in large scale and very worried about...
The criminal act of forgery stipulated in Chapter XII Book II Criminal Code on forgery, the book lis...
Counterfeiting of money is one of the most prevalent and rampant crimes everywhere, reaching almost ...
ABSTRACTReverse Verification is a theory imposing the burden of proof upon the defendant. Reverse ve...
Seeing the development of society today, quite a lot of problems caused, both problems that cause ha...
The crime of falsifying marriage books is carried out because they do not want other parties to suff...
The lack of precision between the buyer and the land deed official is a factor in the emergence of t...
A certificate is strong evidence of the right which means that, as long as it cannot be proved eithe...
One criminal case is fraudulent money. Because of the fact as mentioned above, people become restle...
Land certificates issued by agencies of the National Land Agency, or BPN have signs or traits that h...
Pemalsuan merupakan salah satu tindak pidana yang diatur dalam Kitab Undang-Undang Hukum Pidana. Khu...
Counterfeiting a criminal offense has developed quite complex and because the object is forged money...
12 HalamanDalam penelitian ini penulis mempergunakan metode pendekatan yuridis normatif. hal ini men...
105 HalamanMengingat tingginya tingkat tindak pidana di bidang kepabeanan di Indonesia, berikut pote...
Abstract: Recently, criminalization has been rampant in Indonesia. One of the actions is counterfeit...
Crime of counterfeiting currency nowadays increasingly rampant in large scale and very worried about...
The criminal act of forgery stipulated in Chapter XII Book II Criminal Code on forgery, the book lis...
Counterfeiting of money is one of the most prevalent and rampant crimes everywhere, reaching almost ...
ABSTRACTReverse Verification is a theory imposing the burden of proof upon the defendant. Reverse ve...
Seeing the development of society today, quite a lot of problems caused, both problems that cause ha...
The crime of falsifying marriage books is carried out because they do not want other parties to suff...
The lack of precision between the buyer and the land deed official is a factor in the emergence of t...
A certificate is strong evidence of the right which means that, as long as it cannot be proved eithe...
One criminal case is fraudulent money. Because of the fact as mentioned above, people become restle...