117 halamanKelapa sawit (Elais guineensis Jacq) merupakan komoditas perkebunan yang berperan penting bagi perekonomian Indonesia sebagai salah satu penyumbang devisa negara dari sektor non-migas. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perbedaan pendapatan usahatani anggota KUD dan non KUD, lokasi penelitian di Desa Sinunukan III kecamatan Sinunukan Kabupaten Mandailing Natal. Pemilihan lokasi ini dilakukan secara sengaja (Porposive) dengan pertimbangan Sinunukan III merupakan salah satu wilayah perkebunan kelapa sawit yang memiliki produktivitas tertinggi di desa Sinunukan III. Metode pengambilan sampel menggunakan metode simple random sampling dengan jumlah responden sebanyak 70 petani yang terdiri dari petani anggota KUD sebanyak 35 or...
The objective of this research is to study the farmscale efficiency of oil palm smallholders. In thi...
The development of oil palm plantations in East Kalimantan can encourage the improvement of the regi...
Comparative Advantage Analysis Commodities Palm Oil In Sekadau (A Case Study of Rural Ensalang Sekad...
AbstractOil palm plantations has become a growing business in South Sumatra and other provinces in I...
Oil palm is an industrial plantation that is useful as a producer of cooking oil, industrial oil, an...
The development of oil palm plantations in East Kalimantan can encourage the improvement of the regi...
Oil palm plantations (Elaeis gunieensis jecq) is one of the agribusiness peluangnnya pretty wide ope...
93 HalamanBatang sawit dapat menghasilkan air nira kelapa sawit untuk dimanfaatkan menjadi suatu gul...
This study aimed to analyze the level of social, economic, and ecological progress of the Oil Palm V...
This study was aimed to analyze: a) the income of palm oil farmers in Kampar Regency; b) factors th...
This study was conducted on smallholder plantations in two locations: in Sub-district of Kuta Makmur...
Riau Province is the largest center for smallholder palm oil plantations in Indonesia. The productiv...
This study aims to analyse and estimate farmers income derived from inside and outside the oil palm ...
Analysis of Integration System of Cow And Oil Palm In Increasing Farmers Income In Labuhanbatu Distr...
69 HalamanPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk pertama mengctahui faktor sosial ekonami, kedua besar kontr...
The objective of this research is to study the farmscale efficiency of oil palm smallholders. In thi...
The development of oil palm plantations in East Kalimantan can encourage the improvement of the regi...
Comparative Advantage Analysis Commodities Palm Oil In Sekadau (A Case Study of Rural Ensalang Sekad...
AbstractOil palm plantations has become a growing business in South Sumatra and other provinces in I...
Oil palm is an industrial plantation that is useful as a producer of cooking oil, industrial oil, an...
The development of oil palm plantations in East Kalimantan can encourage the improvement of the regi...
Oil palm plantations (Elaeis gunieensis jecq) is one of the agribusiness peluangnnya pretty wide ope...
93 HalamanBatang sawit dapat menghasilkan air nira kelapa sawit untuk dimanfaatkan menjadi suatu gul...
This study aimed to analyze the level of social, economic, and ecological progress of the Oil Palm V...
This study was aimed to analyze: a) the income of palm oil farmers in Kampar Regency; b) factors th...
This study was conducted on smallholder plantations in two locations: in Sub-district of Kuta Makmur...
Riau Province is the largest center for smallholder palm oil plantations in Indonesia. The productiv...
This study aims to analyse and estimate farmers income derived from inside and outside the oil palm ...
Analysis of Integration System of Cow And Oil Palm In Increasing Farmers Income In Labuhanbatu Distr...
69 HalamanPenelitian ini bertujuan untuk pertama mengctahui faktor sosial ekonami, kedua besar kontr...
The objective of this research is to study the farmscale efficiency of oil palm smallholders. In thi...
The development of oil palm plantations in East Kalimantan can encourage the improvement of the regi...
Comparative Advantage Analysis Commodities Palm Oil In Sekadau (A Case Study of Rural Ensalang Sekad...