65 HalamanPanti asuhan merupakan tempat pengasuhan yang sesuai dengan Standar Nasional Pengasuhan Anak (SNPA) dan Konvensi Hak Anak (KHA), sehingga panti asuhan harus memahami standar dalam melakukan kegiatan panti dalam memberikan pelayanan sesuai dengan standar yang telah ditetapkan secara nasional dan Undang-undang agar anak mendapat pemenuhan hak sebagai seorang anak seutuhnya. Adapun permasalahan yang akan diambil adalah bagaimana pengaturan tentang hak-hak keperdataan bagi anak di Indonesia ? bagaimana hak-hak keperdataan anak menurut Undang-undang Nomor 23 Tahun 2002 jo. Undang-undang Nomor 35 Tahun 2014 tentang Perlindungan Anak ? dan Bagaimana implementasi pemenuhan Hak-hak keperdataan anak di Panti Asuhan Mohd Yasin Tambunan Balig...
Child rights are an integral part of human rights so that the government must develop the obligation...
AbstractLegal protection for children is constitutionally guaranteed under Article 28 paragraph (2) ...
Protection of children's rights are elements of the Human Rights. Efforts to protect the rights and ...
Indonesian Child Protection Commission is an independent agency, established under the provisions of...
Abandoned children are children who do not get the same rights as children. their families and relat...
Children are an inseparable part of human survival and the sustainability of a nation and state. In ...
Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning protection of children also guarantees the fulfillment of children's r...
Children are a mandate and a gift from God Almighty. Dignity as a human being is also inherent in th...
Indonesia is a country that has several laws that aim to regulate and protect the citizens in it. ...
Children are human beings who must be protected their civil rights. In the context of humanity, chil...
The Government held protection of children with a Child Protection Commission based on the mandate P...
The child is a trust and a gift from God Almighty who inherent in dignity and dignity as a human bei...
Implementation Protection of children is an obligation that must be upheld and carried out in accord...
The protection that has been imposed by law concerning the rights and obligations of human being as ...
Kewajiban dan tanggung jawab masyarakat atas perlindungan anak sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 25 Und...
Child rights are an integral part of human rights so that the government must develop the obligation...
AbstractLegal protection for children is constitutionally guaranteed under Article 28 paragraph (2) ...
Protection of children's rights are elements of the Human Rights. Efforts to protect the rights and ...
Indonesian Child Protection Commission is an independent agency, established under the provisions of...
Abandoned children are children who do not get the same rights as children. their families and relat...
Children are an inseparable part of human survival and the sustainability of a nation and state. In ...
Law No. 35 of 2014 concerning protection of children also guarantees the fulfillment of children's r...
Children are a mandate and a gift from God Almighty. Dignity as a human being is also inherent in th...
Indonesia is a country that has several laws that aim to regulate and protect the citizens in it. ...
Children are human beings who must be protected their civil rights. In the context of humanity, chil...
The Government held protection of children with a Child Protection Commission based on the mandate P...
The child is a trust and a gift from God Almighty who inherent in dignity and dignity as a human bei...
Implementation Protection of children is an obligation that must be upheld and carried out in accord...
The protection that has been imposed by law concerning the rights and obligations of human being as ...
Kewajiban dan tanggung jawab masyarakat atas perlindungan anak sebagaimana diatur dalam Pasal 25 Und...
Child rights are an integral part of human rights so that the government must develop the obligation...
AbstractLegal protection for children is constitutionally guaranteed under Article 28 paragraph (2) ...
Protection of children's rights are elements of the Human Rights. Efforts to protect the rights and ...