The heart is an important organ of the human body. The heart functions to pump blood throughout the body. Health conditions can be seen in the condition of heart function. The heart’s function can be known through the beat when pumping blood. The manufacture of a heart rate device has been carried out using the PPG method. This tool uses the MAX30102 sensor as input. The measurement results are displayed on the smartphone. This tool can calculate the heart rate by sticking the surface of the fingertips for ten seconds. The light waves emitted by the sensor source will hit the surface of the finger. Changes in blood volume cause changes in light intensity according to what is received by the sensor. Based on the test results, the average st...
Health monitoring is important for living creatures. There are many things that are important factor...
Detak jantung merupakan indikasi penting dalam bidang kesehatan yang berguna untuk mengetahui kondis...
In everyday life people still do not care about health. This makes it difficult for the medical tea...
Heart rate and oxygen levels in the blood are very important for medical personnel to know the patie...
Perkembangan zaman teknologi internet yang modern ini pada kenyataannya manusia terlalu sibuk dengan...
The heart is a very important part of the body. The main job of the heart is to pump blood to all pa...
Pada tubuh manusia terdapat beberapa tanda vital yang dapat mencerminkan indikasi dari kondisi keseh...
The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the Automatic Oximeter+, the effec...
The heart is a vital human organ that has an important role. Human heart rate is also an important f...
Telah dihasilkan pulse oximeteruntuk mengukur denyut nadi dan saturasi oksigen dengan sumber cahaya ...
The monitoring system of the heart's electrical activity is the basis of the electrocardiograph (ECG...
Banyak hal yang bisa menyebabkan kematian, salah satunya adalah penyakit jantung. Kematian akibat pe...
ABSTRAK Pada studi ini dilakukan rancang bangun sistem perekam detak jantung portabel berbasis puls...
In medicine there has been electrocardiograph (ECG) which serves to show the human heartbeat signals...
Health is something that most coveted by every human being. Everyone always wanted a healthy soul in...
Health monitoring is important for living creatures. There are many things that are important factor...
Detak jantung merupakan indikasi penting dalam bidang kesehatan yang berguna untuk mengetahui kondis...
In everyday life people still do not care about health. This makes it difficult for the medical tea...
Heart rate and oxygen levels in the blood are very important for medical personnel to know the patie...
Perkembangan zaman teknologi internet yang modern ini pada kenyataannya manusia terlalu sibuk dengan...
The heart is a very important part of the body. The main job of the heart is to pump blood to all pa...
Pada tubuh manusia terdapat beberapa tanda vital yang dapat mencerminkan indikasi dari kondisi keseh...
The purpose of this study was to determine the characteristics of the Automatic Oximeter+, the effec...
The heart is a vital human organ that has an important role. Human heart rate is also an important f...
Telah dihasilkan pulse oximeteruntuk mengukur denyut nadi dan saturasi oksigen dengan sumber cahaya ...
The monitoring system of the heart's electrical activity is the basis of the electrocardiograph (ECG...
Banyak hal yang bisa menyebabkan kematian, salah satunya adalah penyakit jantung. Kematian akibat pe...
ABSTRAK Pada studi ini dilakukan rancang bangun sistem perekam detak jantung portabel berbasis puls...
In medicine there has been electrocardiograph (ECG) which serves to show the human heartbeat signals...
Health is something that most coveted by every human being. Everyone always wanted a healthy soul in...
Health monitoring is important for living creatures. There are many things that are important factor...
Detak jantung merupakan indikasi penting dalam bidang kesehatan yang berguna untuk mengetahui kondis...
In everyday life people still do not care about health. This makes it difficult for the medical tea...