I løpet av de siste førti årene har de grønne partiene i Norge, Danmark, Sverige, Finland og Tyskland fått varierende støtte. Mens de grønne i de tre sistnevnte landene har opplevd økende oppslutning og sittet i regjering gjentatte ganger, så har de grønne i Norge og Danmark slitt med å overleve. Under de siste nasjonale valgene har den økende oppmerksomheten rundt miljø- og klimaspørsmål gitt flere stemmer til de tyske- og finske grønne partiene, mens de norske grønne nok en gang ikke klarte å passere sperregrensen. Det finnes ikke mye komparativ forsking som tar sikte på å forklare hvorfor grønne partier presterer så forskjellig, spesielt i tilsynelatende like land. Målet med denne oppgaven er derfor å bidra til dette gapet i litteraturen...
My thesis examines the effects of the last two decades' increased support for populist, radical righ...
This paper examines the effect of green parties on environmental policy in Norway. Environmental pol...
Defence date: 24 March 2014Examining Board: Professor Adrienne Héritier. Supervisor, European Univer...
Through a comparative study of Sweden and Finland with a focus on their respective green parties, th...
The aim of this study is to explain the entrance of the Norwegian Green Party in national politics i...
I 2015 kom 1,8 millioner flyktninger til Europa som et resultat av flyktningkrisen. Dette innebar en...
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur coronapandemin påverkat människors boendepreferenser, vilka ...
Bakgrund: Miljöpartiet är ett parti som i sitt partiprogram målar en vision om en öppen värld där mä...
Political landscapes or the political scene in the Nordic countries is often regarded of being very ...
Survey on participation of party members of three green parties in France ( Les Verts ), Germany ( ...
Green parties were particularly successful in the May 2019 elections to the European Parliament (EP)...
Kroh M, Schupp J. Alliance '90/The Greens at the Crossroads : On Their Way to Becoming a Mainstream ...
Green parties achieved a major breakthrough in the 1989 European elections. Who voted green in these...
This article provides a descriptive analysis of the performances of Green parties in Europe, aiming ...
Comparative political science has largely ignored the marked cross-national variation in Green party...
My thesis examines the effects of the last two decades' increased support for populist, radical righ...
This paper examines the effect of green parties on environmental policy in Norway. Environmental pol...
Defence date: 24 March 2014Examining Board: Professor Adrienne Héritier. Supervisor, European Univer...
Through a comparative study of Sweden and Finland with a focus on their respective green parties, th...
The aim of this study is to explain the entrance of the Norwegian Green Party in national politics i...
I 2015 kom 1,8 millioner flyktninger til Europa som et resultat av flyktningkrisen. Dette innebar en...
Syftet med studien är att undersöka hur coronapandemin påverkat människors boendepreferenser, vilka ...
Bakgrund: Miljöpartiet är ett parti som i sitt partiprogram målar en vision om en öppen värld där mä...
Political landscapes or the political scene in the Nordic countries is often regarded of being very ...
Survey on participation of party members of three green parties in France ( Les Verts ), Germany ( ...
Green parties were particularly successful in the May 2019 elections to the European Parliament (EP)...
Kroh M, Schupp J. Alliance '90/The Greens at the Crossroads : On Their Way to Becoming a Mainstream ...
Green parties achieved a major breakthrough in the 1989 European elections. Who voted green in these...
This article provides a descriptive analysis of the performances of Green parties in Europe, aiming ...
Comparative political science has largely ignored the marked cross-national variation in Green party...
My thesis examines the effects of the last two decades' increased support for populist, radical righ...
This paper examines the effect of green parties on environmental policy in Norway. Environmental pol...
Defence date: 24 March 2014Examining Board: Professor Adrienne Héritier. Supervisor, European Univer...