MAKNA PENDIDIKAN NON FORMAL BAGI KALANGAN PEKERJA PARIWISATA (Studi Pada Peserta Program Kejar Paket C di PKBM Taman Krida Dewasa di Dusun Junggo, Desa Tulungrejo, Kecamatan Bumiaji, Kota Batu)

  • Barizi, Achmad
Publication date
July 2022


This research is entitled The Meaning of Non-Formal Education for Tourism Workers (Study on Participants of the Package C Pursuit Program at PKBM Taman Krida Adults in Junggo Hamlet, Tulungrejo Village, Bumiaji District, Batu City). PKBM is an out-of-school educational vehicle established and managed by the local community that specifically concentrates on various learning efforts and community empowerment in accordance with the dynamics of community needs. The existence of village community education services can facilitate the implementation of control over planned and programmed community learning outcomes so that the community can grow and develop and can increase the knowledge, skills and mental attitudes needed in accordance with the ...

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