The small town of Minamata is infamous for the industrial disease named after the city. This disease resulted from having ingested methyl mercury, a substance released for more than three decades by a factory owned by the Chisso Corporation. Upon entering the human body, mercury affects the nervous system, resulting in paralysis, and often leading to a slow death. Examining how such violence was inflicted on human beings and on the environment involves a complex array of economic, environmental, and sociocultural issues, all revolving around the notions of justice and responsibility. This article analyzes the local residents’ responses to the irreparable damage done to them, focusing in particular on the thoughts and actions put forwa...
This highly acclaimed study describes Aum Shinrikyo’s history, examines the various conflicts it was...
On 16 August 2017, the Minamata Convention on Mercury entered into force to protect human health and...
Atomic bomb survivors, called hibakusha, are active in campaigning against nuclear arms, but also in...
The small town of Minamata is infamous for the industrial disease named after the city. This disease...
Presented at the Numata Conference in Buddhist Studies / “Violence, Nonviolence, and Japanese Religi...
The outbreak of a mysterious disease shook the small town of Minamata in 1950s Japan. Later discover...
All major pollution incidents in contemporary Japan have spawned victims' protest movements. This di...
By offering new fantasies, perspectives and representations, artists have the power to make people a...
In this article it is shown how conflicts and violence have influenced the development of Santo Daim...
This paper examines the industrial pollution that led to mercury poisoning around Minamata Bay in Ku...
Canada and Japan share a history of industrial contamination that has resulted in mercury poisoning;...
Niigata Minamata Disease is an organic mercury intoxication prevailed in the Agano River area in cen...
Japan, which has pursued rapid economic growth, has also suffered major consequences in terms of pol...
The relationship between the environment and mass violence is complex and multi-faceted. The effects...
In this paper, I will examine how Japanese documentary filmmaker Tsuchimoto Noriaki (1928–2008...
This highly acclaimed study describes Aum Shinrikyo’s history, examines the various conflicts it was...
On 16 August 2017, the Minamata Convention on Mercury entered into force to protect human health and...
Atomic bomb survivors, called hibakusha, are active in campaigning against nuclear arms, but also in...
The small town of Minamata is infamous for the industrial disease named after the city. This disease...
Presented at the Numata Conference in Buddhist Studies / “Violence, Nonviolence, and Japanese Religi...
The outbreak of a mysterious disease shook the small town of Minamata in 1950s Japan. Later discover...
All major pollution incidents in contemporary Japan have spawned victims' protest movements. This di...
By offering new fantasies, perspectives and representations, artists have the power to make people a...
In this article it is shown how conflicts and violence have influenced the development of Santo Daim...
This paper examines the industrial pollution that led to mercury poisoning around Minamata Bay in Ku...
Canada and Japan share a history of industrial contamination that has resulted in mercury poisoning;...
Niigata Minamata Disease is an organic mercury intoxication prevailed in the Agano River area in cen...
Japan, which has pursued rapid economic growth, has also suffered major consequences in terms of pol...
The relationship between the environment and mass violence is complex and multi-faceted. The effects...
In this paper, I will examine how Japanese documentary filmmaker Tsuchimoto Noriaki (1928–2008...
This highly acclaimed study describes Aum Shinrikyo’s history, examines the various conflicts it was...
On 16 August 2017, the Minamata Convention on Mercury entered into force to protect human health and...
Atomic bomb survivors, called hibakusha, are active in campaigning against nuclear arms, but also in...