Forecasting correlations between stocks and commodities is important for diversification across asset classes and other risk management decisions. Correlation forecasts are affected by model uncertainty, the sources of which can include uncertainty about changing fundamentals and associated parameters (model instability), structural breaks and nonlinearities due, for example, to regime switching. We use approaches that weight historical data according to their predictive content. Specifically, we estimate two alternative models, ‘time-varying weights’ and ‘time-varying window’, in order to maximize the value of past data for forecasting. Our empirical analyses reveal that these approaches provide superior forecasts to several benchmark mode...
We investigate the possible drawbacks of employing the standard Pearson estimator to measure correla...
In this report we examine time-varying correlations of asset returns using the Dynamic Conditional C...
Large one-off events cause large changes in prices, but may not affect the volatility and correlatio...
Forecasting correlations between stocks and commodities is important for diversification across asse...
In this study we compare the time series correlation modeling techniques, and document the effective...
To implement mean variance analysis one needs a technique for forecasting correlation coefficients. ...
To implement mean variance analysis one needs a technique for forecasting correlation coefficients. ...
Analysis of ex post returns reveals the time series properties of correlations, but ex ante correlat...
textabstractSeveral frequentist and Bayesian model averaging schemes, including a new one that simul...
This paper assesses the value of correlation dynamics in mean-variance asset allocation. A correlati...
To implement mean variance analysis one needs a technique for forecasting correlation coefficients. ...
Drawing motivation from the 2007-2009 global financial crises, this paper looks to further examine t...
In Modern Portfolio Theory, the correlation coefficients decide the risk of a set of stocks in the p...
Few studies have been conducted to explain the variation in stock-bond correlations. However, to con...
Often the signature of a complex system is a couple of empirically found time series. In many cases ...
We investigate the possible drawbacks of employing the standard Pearson estimator to measure correla...
In this report we examine time-varying correlations of asset returns using the Dynamic Conditional C...
Large one-off events cause large changes in prices, but may not affect the volatility and correlatio...
Forecasting correlations between stocks and commodities is important for diversification across asse...
In this study we compare the time series correlation modeling techniques, and document the effective...
To implement mean variance analysis one needs a technique for forecasting correlation coefficients. ...
To implement mean variance analysis one needs a technique for forecasting correlation coefficients. ...
Analysis of ex post returns reveals the time series properties of correlations, but ex ante correlat...
textabstractSeveral frequentist and Bayesian model averaging schemes, including a new one that simul...
This paper assesses the value of correlation dynamics in mean-variance asset allocation. A correlati...
To implement mean variance analysis one needs a technique for forecasting correlation coefficients. ...
Drawing motivation from the 2007-2009 global financial crises, this paper looks to further examine t...
In Modern Portfolio Theory, the correlation coefficients decide the risk of a set of stocks in the p...
Few studies have been conducted to explain the variation in stock-bond correlations. However, to con...
Often the signature of a complex system is a couple of empirically found time series. In many cases ...
We investigate the possible drawbacks of employing the standard Pearson estimator to measure correla...
In this report we examine time-varying correlations of asset returns using the Dynamic Conditional C...
Large one-off events cause large changes in prices, but may not affect the volatility and correlatio...