Feeding the world population, 7.3 billion in 2015 and projected to increase to 9.5 billion by 2050, necessitates an increase in agricultural production of ~70% between 2005 and 2050. Soil degradation, characterized by decline in quality and decrease in ecosystem goods and services, is a major constraint to achieving the required increase in agricultural production. Soil is a non-renewable resource on human time scales with its vulnerability to degradation depending on complex interactions between processes, factors and causes occurring at a range of spatial and temporal scales. Among the major soil degradation processes are accelerated erosion, depletion of the soil organic carbon (SOC) pool and loss in biodiversity, loss of soil fertility ...
Not AvailableWorld soils have been a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide since the dawn of settled ...
Soil is threatened by the increase of human population, intensive management, urbanization and degra...
Requirements for research, practices and policies affecting soil management in relation to global fo...
Feeding the world population, 7.3 billion in 2015 and projected to increase to 9.5 billion by 2050, ...
To ensure an adequate food supply for the growing global population, which was approximately 7.3 bil...
Not AvailableThe soils in the rainfed region are at the verge of degradation by virtue of several re...
Soil can be degraded by several natural or human-mediated processes, including wind, water, or tilla...
Food production in developing countries, estimated at 1223 million metric tons (Mg), must be increas...
Soils, the earth’s skin, are at the intersection of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and bi...
Intensive tillage, mineral fertilizers and pesticides used to produce more food and fiber threaten t...
Soil degradation is a global problem caused by many factors including excessive tillage, inappropria...
none7noMaintaining and improving the soil resource is crucial for the protection of the global envir...
The diverse agricultural systems of the tropics are a crucial, expanding and rapidly changing contri...
The complex and strong link between soil degradation, climate change and food insecurity is a global...
Five of the top ten problems facing humanity (http://cnst.rice.edu/content.aspx?id=246) over the nex...
Not AvailableWorld soils have been a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide since the dawn of settled ...
Soil is threatened by the increase of human population, intensive management, urbanization and degra...
Requirements for research, practices and policies affecting soil management in relation to global fo...
Feeding the world population, 7.3 billion in 2015 and projected to increase to 9.5 billion by 2050, ...
To ensure an adequate food supply for the growing global population, which was approximately 7.3 bil...
Not AvailableThe soils in the rainfed region are at the verge of degradation by virtue of several re...
Soil can be degraded by several natural or human-mediated processes, including wind, water, or tilla...
Food production in developing countries, estimated at 1223 million metric tons (Mg), must be increas...
Soils, the earth’s skin, are at the intersection of the lithosphere, hydrosphere, atmosphere, and bi...
Intensive tillage, mineral fertilizers and pesticides used to produce more food and fiber threaten t...
Soil degradation is a global problem caused by many factors including excessive tillage, inappropria...
none7noMaintaining and improving the soil resource is crucial for the protection of the global envir...
The diverse agricultural systems of the tropics are a crucial, expanding and rapidly changing contri...
The complex and strong link between soil degradation, climate change and food insecurity is a global...
Five of the top ten problems facing humanity (http://cnst.rice.edu/content.aspx?id=246) over the nex...
Not AvailableWorld soils have been a source of atmospheric carbon dioxide since the dawn of settled ...
Soil is threatened by the increase of human population, intensive management, urbanization and degra...
Requirements for research, practices and policies affecting soil management in relation to global fo...