Behind the Counter: Findings from the 2022 Oral Contraceptives Access Survey

  • Angela Maske
  • Claudia Hui
  • Debra Hauser
  • Geoff Corey
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Publication date
September 2022
Advocates for Youth


Over the Summer of 2022, Advocates for Youth surveyed 243 people from 43 different states about their experiences trying to access birth control pills as young people and young adults. The findings paint a concerning picture that we believe every policymaker should read.For the 55% of respondents who couldn't get on birth control due to the constraints of the current prescription-only system, one in five experienced an unintended pregnancy. Many more suffered unnecessary stress, lost wages, and more.It is time the United States join more than 100 countries around the world and bring The Pill over-the-counter and onto the shelves for all ages, covered by insurance.

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