Diese Arbeit umfasst die Planung und Konstruktion eines mobilen Versuchstisches für einen Brennstoffzellen-Versuchsstand, inklusive Modellierung mittels CAD. Des Weiteren wird untersucht, wie die Wasserstoffversorgung und die Kühlung der Brennstoffzelle umgesetzt werden können. Dafür wird der abzuführende Wärmestrom berechnet. Ein weiterer Aufgabenteil behandelt die Sicherheit des Arbeitsplatzes. Dabei wird unter Beachtung von Gesetzen, Verordnungen und Regeln für Gefahrstoffe untersucht, welche Maßnahmen für die Sicherheit erforderlich sind. Das Ziel dabei ist, die Risiken für Gefährdungen zu minimieren.Inside this report the development and construction of a mobile laboratory bench, in order to carry a fuel cell, will be done. It includes...
Dieser Tagungsordner enthaelt 16 Vortraege zum Themenkreis Brennstoffzellen, wobei die Beitraege zum...
Keeping the rise in average global temperature well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, coupled ...
The idea for this thesis was to design a specification of requirements for a fuel cell system for th...
Fuel cell technology is considered to be a key technology in the 21"s"t century. A variety...
Um Studierenden das thermodynamische Verhalten und die elektrochemischen Zusammenhänge einer PEM-Bre...
The future contribution of fuel cell systems to power supply was investigated. The emphasis was on m...
The project was to show how a fuel cell can provide reliable energy supply to a technical building. ...
The investigations had the following goals: 1. Analysis of the effects of the fuel cell technology o...
Fuel cells have the potential to provide distributed power generation. Four types of fuel cells are ...
With the demand of energy for our daily needs ever increasing and the supply of fossil fuels (Earth ...
In diesem Heft werden folgende Themen behandelt: Grundlagen von Brennstoffzellen (Funktionsprinzip);...
This feasibility study investigates the requirements to be met by commercial vehicles in urban areas...
Brennstoffzellentechnologien gelten als effizient, lokal CO2-neutral und können vielfältig eingesetz...
Climate change is driving the introduction of strict emission limits in the shipping sector favoring...
Nowadays fuel cells are operated in several pilot installations in the upper performance class (appr...
Dieser Tagungsordner enthaelt 16 Vortraege zum Themenkreis Brennstoffzellen, wobei die Beitraege zum...
Keeping the rise in average global temperature well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, coupled ...
The idea for this thesis was to design a specification of requirements for a fuel cell system for th...
Fuel cell technology is considered to be a key technology in the 21"s"t century. A variety...
Um Studierenden das thermodynamische Verhalten und die elektrochemischen Zusammenhänge einer PEM-Bre...
The future contribution of fuel cell systems to power supply was investigated. The emphasis was on m...
The project was to show how a fuel cell can provide reliable energy supply to a technical building. ...
The investigations had the following goals: 1. Analysis of the effects of the fuel cell technology o...
Fuel cells have the potential to provide distributed power generation. Four types of fuel cells are ...
With the demand of energy for our daily needs ever increasing and the supply of fossil fuels (Earth ...
In diesem Heft werden folgende Themen behandelt: Grundlagen von Brennstoffzellen (Funktionsprinzip);...
This feasibility study investigates the requirements to be met by commercial vehicles in urban areas...
Brennstoffzellentechnologien gelten als effizient, lokal CO2-neutral und können vielfältig eingesetz...
Climate change is driving the introduction of strict emission limits in the shipping sector favoring...
Nowadays fuel cells are operated in several pilot installations in the upper performance class (appr...
Dieser Tagungsordner enthaelt 16 Vortraege zum Themenkreis Brennstoffzellen, wobei die Beitraege zum...
Keeping the rise in average global temperature well below 2 °C above pre-industrial levels, coupled ...
The idea for this thesis was to design a specification of requirements for a fuel cell system for th...