The 1996 cinematic adaptation of Roald Dahl’s children’s novel Matilda (Dahl, 1988) brings to life a wicked fictional struggle between children and adults. The central character is a young girl called Matilda and the film divides its time focusing on the adult-child relationships that Matilda engages in; those with her teacher, the Headmistress of the school, and her parents. In both the film and novel, and more recently in the stage show, Matilda is portrayed as both a heroine for children and an unforgiving trouble-maker for adults (Pope & Round, 2015). In the film’s storyline, Matilda is cast by DeVito (1996) as a gifted child genius with superpowers who creates mischief for the adults around her. What lies beneath this innocent descript...
This article proposes a reading of the lives of teachers through a Deleuzian‐Guattarian materialisti...
This study explores cultural messages about teachers and teaching, as delivered by current children\...
America\u27s teachers are lacking empowerment. Although the state requires them to meet certificatio...
The power of children’s literature is such that a significant number of teachers in the UK take th...
The power of children’s literature is such that a significant number of teachers in the UK take the ...
This master’s thesis examines which roles the teacher characters are playing in the portrayal of chi...
This paper discusses the research ideas behind a seminar session from the recent UKLA conference (20...
While there have been many young-adult and children’s novels and stories published that deal with sc...
Over the course of six months, a small group of teachers engaged in literary response groups to cons...
his research aims to explore the image of the children as it is constructed by the educational insti...
To what extent is there articulation between learners' notions of teaching and the narrative represe...
The research brings together elements from two disciplines, the sociology of education and film stud...
Roald Dahl’s classic children’s novel Matilda (1988/2018) has long been considered controversial by ...
The first documented use of the term Mentor can be traced back to the 8th century (BC) poem by Homer...
This study entitled The Construction of the Main Child Character’s Identities in Matilda (1996) aims...
This article proposes a reading of the lives of teachers through a Deleuzian‐Guattarian materialisti...
This study explores cultural messages about teachers and teaching, as delivered by current children\...
America\u27s teachers are lacking empowerment. Although the state requires them to meet certificatio...
The power of children’s literature is such that a significant number of teachers in the UK take th...
The power of children’s literature is such that a significant number of teachers in the UK take the ...
This master’s thesis examines which roles the teacher characters are playing in the portrayal of chi...
This paper discusses the research ideas behind a seminar session from the recent UKLA conference (20...
While there have been many young-adult and children’s novels and stories published that deal with sc...
Over the course of six months, a small group of teachers engaged in literary response groups to cons...
his research aims to explore the image of the children as it is constructed by the educational insti...
To what extent is there articulation between learners' notions of teaching and the narrative represe...
The research brings together elements from two disciplines, the sociology of education and film stud...
Roald Dahl’s classic children’s novel Matilda (1988/2018) has long been considered controversial by ...
The first documented use of the term Mentor can be traced back to the 8th century (BC) poem by Homer...
This study entitled The Construction of the Main Child Character’s Identities in Matilda (1996) aims...
This article proposes a reading of the lives of teachers through a Deleuzian‐Guattarian materialisti...
This study explores cultural messages about teachers and teaching, as delivered by current children\...
America\u27s teachers are lacking empowerment. Although the state requires them to meet certificatio...