Las competencias genéricas internacionales… al menester en la Licenciatura de Administración de Empresas de la BUAP: Basado en el proyecto Tuning en América Latina

  • Juárez Fonseca, Verónica
  • Torralba Flores, Amado
  • Guatemala Villalobos, Araceli María
  • Pérez Paredes, Alfredo
Publication date
January 2019
Universidad de los Llanos


The global business demands, implicitly raise terms such as business competitiveness, decision making and ability to manage innovative business projects. This opens a range of possibilities to work in areas of competence from the training of administrators. The Tunning Project in Latin America (TAL) (2007) is a determining reference for the development of this research. Although, one of the objectives of the TAL project has been to promote at the Latin American scale, lines of convergence in twelve thematic areas, such as; Business Administration, Education, Architecture, among others. It is in the first thematic area that the present investigation was addressed. Being a plot in the Bachelor of Business Administration of the School of Manag...

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