The author proposes to consider history of philosophy as a coexistence of «Plato’s direction» and «Aristotle’s direction» which resolve differently the main epistemological problems. Kant’s transcendental idealism is represented as an epistemological conception unifying these two directions.Стаття перша Автор пропонує розглядати iсторiю фiлософiї як спiвiснування «лiнiї Платона» i «лiнiї Аристотеля», представники яких розходились у вирiшеннi основних гносеологiчних проблем. Трансцендентальний iдеалiзм I. Канта представлений у статтi як епiстемологiчна концепцiя, що поєднує цi двi «лiнiї»
The article provides the analysis of philosophy of Karl-Otto Apel. Apel’s philosophy analyzed simult...
The paper considers some specific features of the pre-socratic epistemology and its importance for t...
The paper aims to demonstrate dependence of specific content of epistemological constructions of Enl...
The author proposes to consider history of philosophy as a coexistence of «Plato’s direction» and «A...
I. Kant’s attitude about the problems of historicism, the two versions of his philosophy of history ...
The author shows the importance of comprehending of Kant’s epistolary heritage in the reconstruction...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the formation and development of the methodological progra...
In the article the author proves the view of the history of philosophy as a scientific branch of a ...
In the article the methodological potential Losev’s philosophy behalf to ensure that the semantic fo...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the idea of concept as a structural element of a classic p...
The subject of philosophy is changing in the modern scientific world. Philosophy contains signs of a...
The author attempts to show how modern concepts of space and time, the original principles laid by I...
Article focuses on the problem of correctness of interpretation of philosophical texts in the histor...
Историография истории философии XIX в. испытала значительное влияние подходов к истории философии Ка...
In the article investigates interaction of philosophy and pedagogy on the example of S. Hessen’s (18...
The article provides the analysis of philosophy of Karl-Otto Apel. Apel’s philosophy analyzed simult...
The paper considers some specific features of the pre-socratic epistemology and its importance for t...
The paper aims to demonstrate dependence of specific content of epistemological constructions of Enl...
The author proposes to consider history of philosophy as a coexistence of «Plato’s direction» and «A...
I. Kant’s attitude about the problems of historicism, the two versions of his philosophy of history ...
The author shows the importance of comprehending of Kant’s epistolary heritage in the reconstruction...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the formation and development of the methodological progra...
In the article the author proves the view of the history of philosophy as a scientific branch of a ...
In the article the methodological potential Losev’s philosophy behalf to ensure that the semantic fo...
The article is devoted to the analysis of the idea of concept as a structural element of a classic p...
The subject of philosophy is changing in the modern scientific world. Philosophy contains signs of a...
The author attempts to show how modern concepts of space and time, the original principles laid by I...
Article focuses on the problem of correctness of interpretation of philosophical texts in the histor...
Историография истории философии XIX в. испытала значительное влияние подходов к истории философии Ка...
In the article investigates interaction of philosophy and pedagogy on the example of S. Hessen’s (18...
The article provides the analysis of philosophy of Karl-Otto Apel. Apel’s philosophy analyzed simult...
The paper considers some specific features of the pre-socratic epistemology and its importance for t...
The paper aims to demonstrate dependence of specific content of epistemological constructions of Enl...