New polypropylene/glass composites: effect of glass fibers from cathode ray tubes on thermal and mechanical properties

  • POZZI, Paolo
  • TAURINO, Rosa
  • ZANASI, Tania
  • ANDREOLA, Nora Maria
  • BARBIERI, Luisa
  • LANCELLOTTI, Isabella
Publication date
January 2010
Elsevier BV
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This study investigated the feasibility of using fibers obtained by the recycling of end life cathode ray tubes glasses (EOL-CRT glass) as new filler for polypropylene material. The effects of these new fiberson the mechanical properties of plastic composites were studied. Fracture surfaces were investigatedby scanning electron microscopy. Based on the findings of this work, it appears evident that these newfibers can be used instead of commercial glass fibers providing good mechanical and thermal properties.Moreover the matrix modification in the hybrid composite led to better mechanical performances

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