Program is for the comedy by George Bernard Shaw. The play takes place during the 1885 Serbo-Bulgarian War and follows a young Bulgarian woman who hides a Swiss mercenary soldier from the Serbian army in her room. The humorous play shows the futility of war and and comedically deals with the hypocrisies of human nature. The play ran May 1982. Program was created by the Whittier College Theatre Department. To view photos from this production of Arms and the Man, please click here
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Justin Ridgeway; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s A...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Andrew Cayse, Steven DiBlasi; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard...
Pictured: Lauren Smith, Justin Ridgeway, Beth Stanford; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernar...
Digital images of Arms and the Man, a George Bernard Shaw play presented by Whittier College’s Theat...
by George Bernard Shaw directed by Thomas Power This production was a Participating entry in the Ken...
Pictured: Lauren Smith, Beth Stanford; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s Arms...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Lauren Smith, Andrew Cayse, Justin Ridgeway, Steven DiBlasi; Performed: 20-...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Andrew Cayse, Lauren Smith; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard S...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Justin Ridgeway; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s A...
Pictured: Steven DiBlasi, Beth Stanford, Andrew Cayse; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard...
Pictured: Lauren Smith, Justin Ridgeway; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s Ar...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Justin Ridgeway, Steven DiBlasi, Andrew Cayse; Performed: 20-23 October 200...
Pictured: Jessica Sanborn, Steven DiBlasi; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s ...
Pictured: Jessica Sanborn, Steven DiBlasi; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s ...
Pictured: Lauren Smith, Justin Ridgeway; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s Ar...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Justin Ridgeway; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s A...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Andrew Cayse, Steven DiBlasi; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard...
Pictured: Lauren Smith, Justin Ridgeway, Beth Stanford; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernar...
Digital images of Arms and the Man, a George Bernard Shaw play presented by Whittier College’s Theat...
by George Bernard Shaw directed by Thomas Power This production was a Participating entry in the Ken...
Pictured: Lauren Smith, Beth Stanford; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s Arms...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Lauren Smith, Andrew Cayse, Justin Ridgeway, Steven DiBlasi; Performed: 20-...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Andrew Cayse, Lauren Smith; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard S...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Justin Ridgeway; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s A...
Pictured: Steven DiBlasi, Beth Stanford, Andrew Cayse; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard...
Pictured: Lauren Smith, Justin Ridgeway; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s Ar...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Justin Ridgeway, Steven DiBlasi, Andrew Cayse; Performed: 20-23 October 200...
Pictured: Jessica Sanborn, Steven DiBlasi; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s ...
Pictured: Jessica Sanborn, Steven DiBlasi; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s ...
Pictured: Lauren Smith, Justin Ridgeway; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s Ar...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Justin Ridgeway; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard Shaw\u27s A...
Pictured: Beth Stanford, Andrew Cayse, Steven DiBlasi; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernard...
Pictured: Lauren Smith, Justin Ridgeway, Beth Stanford; Performed: 20-23 October 2005; George Bernar...