INHIBISI PERTUMBUHAN BAKTERI Salmonella spesies sv abony DAN Bacillus cereus OLEH INFUSA BIJI ADAS (Foeniculum vulgare)

  • Dewi, N.W.
  • Sopandi, Tatang
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Publication date
February 2017
Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya


The study of inhibition activity of fennel seeds ( Foeniculum vulgare ) was conducted on Salmonella species sv abony and Bacillus cereus. Fennel seeds heated at 900C for 15 min and made concentration 0; 0.147; 1.47; 147 g/l  by dilution in water. This study found concentration of fennel seed infusion significant (P< 0.05) effect on count and growth rate of Salmonella species sv abony and Bacillus cereus. Lowest count and growth of S. abony and B. cereus was obtained in 147 g/l concentration of fennel seed infusion.   Keywords : fennel seeds, Salmonella spesies sv abony, Bacillus cereus

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