Portfolio optimization models are usually based on several distribution characteristics, such as mean, variance or Conditional Value-at-Risk (CVaR). For instance, the mean-variance approach uses mean and covariance matrix of return of instruments of a portfolio. However this conventional approach ignores tails of return distribution, which may be quite important for the portfolio evaluation. This chapter considers the portfolio optimization problems with the Stochastic Dominance constraints. As a distribution-free decision rule, Stochastic Dominance takes into account the entire distribution of return rather than some specific characteristic, such as variance. We implemented efficient numerical algorithms for solving the optimization proble...
This project is focused on stochastic models and methods and their application in portfolio optimiza...
In the present work we study the stochastic dominance portfolio e ciency measures. The investor's ri...
Mean-variance (MV) optimization is one of the most impactful frameworks in the world of financial ma...
The paper compares portfolio optimization with the Second-Order Stochastic Dominance (SSD) constrain...
The main topic of this thesis is the application of stochastic dominance constrains to portfolio opt...
We use modern approach of stochastic dominance in portfolio optimization, where we want the portfoli...
This thesis focuses on stochastic dominance in portfolio selection problems. The thesis recalls basi...
The formation of the optimum portfolio based on risk and return is one of the most important decisio...
We consider the problem of constructing a portfolio of finitely many assets whose returns are descri...
Second order stochastic dominance is an optimal rule for portfolio selection of risk averse investor...
For stochastic optimization problems involving dominance constraints of the second order, using the ...
One recent and promising strategy for Enhanced Indexation is the selection of portfolios that stocha...
This work focuses on measuring the quality of stochastic dominance approx- imation. A measure of non...
The public defense on 8th May 2020 at 12:15 will be organized via remote technology. Link: https://...
Inspired by the successful applications of the stochastic optimization with second order stochastic ...
This project is focused on stochastic models and methods and their application in portfolio optimiza...
In the present work we study the stochastic dominance portfolio e ciency measures. The investor's ri...
Mean-variance (MV) optimization is one of the most impactful frameworks in the world of financial ma...
The paper compares portfolio optimization with the Second-Order Stochastic Dominance (SSD) constrain...
The main topic of this thesis is the application of stochastic dominance constrains to portfolio opt...
We use modern approach of stochastic dominance in portfolio optimization, where we want the portfoli...
This thesis focuses on stochastic dominance in portfolio selection problems. The thesis recalls basi...
The formation of the optimum portfolio based on risk and return is one of the most important decisio...
We consider the problem of constructing a portfolio of finitely many assets whose returns are descri...
Second order stochastic dominance is an optimal rule for portfolio selection of risk averse investor...
For stochastic optimization problems involving dominance constraints of the second order, using the ...
One recent and promising strategy for Enhanced Indexation is the selection of portfolios that stocha...
This work focuses on measuring the quality of stochastic dominance approx- imation. A measure of non...
The public defense on 8th May 2020 at 12:15 will be organized via remote technology. Link: https://...
Inspired by the successful applications of the stochastic optimization with second order stochastic ...
This project is focused on stochastic models and methods and their application in portfolio optimiza...
In the present work we study the stochastic dominance portfolio e ciency measures. The investor's ri...
Mean-variance (MV) optimization is one of the most impactful frameworks in the world of financial ma...