In previous studies, we provided a novel systematization of alpha-decaying even-even and even-odd nuclei starting with the classically adopted mechanism [T. Yarman et al., Eur. Phys. J. A 52 (2016) 140; Eur. Phys. J. A 53 (2017) 4]. Knowing beforehand the measured decay half-life, we had taken as a parameter the probability of the a-particle as being first born in a unit period of time, within the parent nucleus before it is emitted out. We thence developed a scaffold based on shell properties of families composed of "alike nuclei". Along the same line, we now present a systematization of odd-even (OE) as well as odd-odd (OO) nuclei. We apply our approach further to the investigation of the effect of pairing (e.g., the effect when the numbe...