We have detected 18 sources over 6sigma threshold within two regions 8'.3 x 16'.9 and 8'.3 x 33'.6 in the vicinity of the point with alpha = 03(h)31(m)02.(s)45 (J2000) and delta = +43degrees47'58".5 (J2000) using a CHANDRA ACIS (S+I) observation. Two of the sources were detected before with ROSAT HRI and one source could be closely identified with a star in the optical catalog, USNO A-2. We have also studied source spectra applying four spectral models to the data. Most of the sources can be classified as Cataclysmic Variable, Low Mass X-ray Binary or single star candidates due to their spectral characteristics and luminosities. We also searched for the extragalactic origin for these 18 sources. The source count rates vary between 5.8x10(-4...