Integrating gamification into mobile payment platforms incentivizes people to use digital alternatives for payment and could spur user-centric, platform-mediated interactions. This study examines the relationship between perceived convenience and perceived security on individual users’ intention to use a gamified mobile payment platform in Malaysia; a developing country envisioned to build a cashless society. The partial least square structural equation modeling (PLS-SEM) technique is employed on a final sample of 388 online users. The results show that perceived convenience has a strong but indirect effect on the intention to use. Perceived security has a strong and direct effect on intention to use and mediates the relationship between pe...
Objective– Rapid advances in financial technology have tremendously changed both the way of life and...
This study aims to identify the factors influencing the readiness and acceptance of mobile payment a...
Secured financial transactions can now be conveniently made via mobile devices for various products ...
Integrating gamification into mobile payment platforms incentivizes people to use digital alternativ...
This study attempts to investigate the factors affecting e-wallet adoption intention in Malaysia, wh...
Despite the expanding global usage of mobile phones in money transactions, the adoption of mobile pa...
This study examines factors influencing the adoption of cashless payment in Malaysia using a well-es...
Nowadays, transactions on e-commerce platforms (e-payment) utilizing a credit card are popular. Usin...
In recent years, with the increase in Fintech innovation, mobile payment has played an important rol...
The gap between literature and practice of mobile payment services still exists because the differen...
Malaysia is moving towards a cashless society. The latest trend in a cashless society is e-Wallet, w...
The Malaysian government actively encourages the development of e-wallets in Malaysia and set a goal...
This research intended to explore the intention to use of e-wallets among Malaysian. The influential...
This research intended to explore the intention to use of e-wallets among Malaysian. The influential...
There is a growing interest in mobile payment services and its study is gaining popularity around th...
Objective– Rapid advances in financial technology have tremendously changed both the way of life and...
This study aims to identify the factors influencing the readiness and acceptance of mobile payment a...
Secured financial transactions can now be conveniently made via mobile devices for various products ...
Integrating gamification into mobile payment platforms incentivizes people to use digital alternativ...
This study attempts to investigate the factors affecting e-wallet adoption intention in Malaysia, wh...
Despite the expanding global usage of mobile phones in money transactions, the adoption of mobile pa...
This study examines factors influencing the adoption of cashless payment in Malaysia using a well-es...
Nowadays, transactions on e-commerce platforms (e-payment) utilizing a credit card are popular. Usin...
In recent years, with the increase in Fintech innovation, mobile payment has played an important rol...
The gap between literature and practice of mobile payment services still exists because the differen...
Malaysia is moving towards a cashless society. The latest trend in a cashless society is e-Wallet, w...
The Malaysian government actively encourages the development of e-wallets in Malaysia and set a goal...
This research intended to explore the intention to use of e-wallets among Malaysian. The influential...
This research intended to explore the intention to use of e-wallets among Malaysian. The influential...
There is a growing interest in mobile payment services and its study is gaining popularity around th...
Objective– Rapid advances in financial technology have tremendously changed both the way of life and...
This study aims to identify the factors influencing the readiness and acceptance of mobile payment a...
Secured financial transactions can now be conveniently made via mobile devices for various products ...