Fenton-Like Reaction Catalyzed By The Rare Earth Inner Transition Metal Cerium

  • Heckert, Eric G.
  • Seal, Sudipta
  • Self, William T.
Publication date
July 2008


Cerium (Ce) is a rare earth metal that is not known to have any biological role. Cerium oxide materials of several sizes and shapes have been developed in recent years as a scaffold for catalysts. Indeed even cerium oxide nanoparticles themselves have displayed catalytic activities and antioxidant properties in tissue culture and animal models. Because of ceria\u27s ability to cycle between the +3 and +4 states at oxygen vacancy sites, we investigated whether cerium metal would catalyze a Fenton-like reaction with hydrogen peroxide. Indeed, cerium chloride did exhibit radical production in the presence of hydrogen peroxide, as assessed by relaxation of supercoiled plasmid DNA. Radical production in this reaction was also followed by product...

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