Energetic Costs Of Parasitism In The Cape Ground Squirrel Xerus Inauris

  • Scantlebury, M.
  • Waterman, J. M.
  • Hillegass, M.
  • Speakman, J. R.
  • Bennett, N. C.
Publication date
September 2007
Information Bulletin on Variable Stars (IBVS)


Parasites have been suggested to influence many aspects of host behaviour. Some of these effects may be mediated via their impact on host energy budgets. This impact may include effects on both energy intake and absorption as well as components of expenditure, including resting metabolic rate (RMR) and activity (e.g. grooming). Despite their potential importance, the energy costs of parasitism have seldom been directly quantified in a field setting. Here we pharmacologically treated female Cape ground squirrels (Xerus inauris) with anti-parasite drugs and measured the change in body composition, the daily energy expenditure (DEE) using doubly labelled water, the RMR by respirometry and the proportions of time spent looking for food, feeding...

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