Lakhum – about his script March 2014

  • Stephen Morey
  • Lakhum Mossang
  • Wanglung Mossang
Publication date
March 2014
The Language Archive, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics


Four recordings in which Mr Lakhum Mossang and Mr Wanglung Mossang talk about Lakhum's script. This consists of 4 sound files: nst-mos_20140303_03_SM_H4n_Lakhum_AboutScript nst-mos_20140303_04_SM_H4n_Lakhum_AboutScript nst-mos_20140303_05_SM_H4n_Lakhum_AboutScript nst-mos_20140303_06_SM_H4n_Lakhum_AboutScript The details of these recordings are as follows: nst-mos_20140303_03_SM_H4n_Lakhum_AboutScript_Duration 29’04”, Discussion about the script, in particular the distinction between long and short /a/, written as and in Gam Win’s system. In Lakhum Mossang’s system, short a is conveyed by adding the vowel i at the end of the word. nst-mos_20140303_04_SM_H4n_Lakhum_AboutScript_Duration 14’42”, About the script, marking of /au/ nst-...

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