Let Substrk(X) denote the set of length-k substrings of a given string X for a given integer k > 0. We study the following basic string problem, called z-Shortest Sk-Equivalent Strings: Given a set Sk of n length-k strings and an integer z > 0, list z shortest distinct strings T1,..., Tz such that Substrk(Ti) = Sk, for all i ∈ [1, z]. The z-Shortest Sk-Equivalent Strings problem arises naturally as an encoding problem in many real-world applications; e.g., in data privacy, in data compression, and in bioinformatics. The 1-Shortest Sk-Equivalent Strings, referred to as Shortest Sk-Equivalent String, asks for a shortest string X such that Substrk(X) = Sk. Our main contributions are summarized below: Given a directed graph G(V, E), the Directe...