I analyze the presence of end-of-the-century tendencies in the poetry of Baixo Sul da Bahia (Bahia Southern Lowlands), evidencing its late cultivation in full modernist development. I chose as a corpus the works Rosas de Inverno (1921), by Oscar Pinheiro, Brumas (1926), by Cícero de Oliveira Mendes and Inquietude (1933), by Nathan Coutinho. These authors, despite having followed these literary currents, were not tied to a single school. They are eclectic in their poetics and finissecular in the sense that they cultivate elements from the different artistic aesthetics of this historical period.Analiso a presença de tendências finisseculares na poesia do Baixo Sul da Bahia, evidenciando seu cultivo tardio em pleno desenvolvimento modernista. ...