Poison center data for public health surveillance: Poison center and public health perspectives

  • Glidden, Emily
  • Boyd, Laurel
  • Schauben, Jay
  • Mulay, Prakash R.
  • Law, Royal
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Publication date
May 2018
University of Illinois at Chicago Library


ObjectiveTo discuss the use of poison center (PC) data for public health (PH) surveillance at the local, state, and federal levels. To generate meaningful discussion on how to facilitate greater PC and PH collaboration.IntroductionSince 2008, poisoning is the leading cause of injury-related death in the United States; since 1980, the poisoning-related fatality rate in the United States (U.S.) has almost tripled1. Many poison-related injuries and deaths are reported to regional PCs which receive about 2.4 million reports of human chemical and poison exposures annually2. Federal, state, and local PH agencies often collaborate with PCs and use PC data for PH surveillance to identify poisoning-related health issues. Many state and local PH agen...

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