Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menguji pengaruh karakteristik dewan terhadap kinerja Islamic Bank (IBs) di Indonesia dan Malaysia tahun 2016-2020. Sampel penelitian ini meliputi 11 bank umum syariah di Indonesia dan 7 bank umum syariah di Malaysia. Metode analisis menggunakan regresi data panel yang diproses dengan bantuan software eviews 12. Kinerja diukur dengan Return On Asset (ROA) dan Return On Equity (ROE), Karakteristik dewan diukur dengan ukuran dewan direksi, proporsi direktur wanita, keahlian dewan direksi, ukuran dewan pengawas syariah (DPS), proporsi DPS wanita dan keahlian DPS. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan secara keseluruhan bahwa Islamic Corporate Governance dan Corporate Governance berpengaruh positif terhadap kinerja IBs. &n...
This study aims to determine how the financial performance of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia ...
Performance is one of the things that can cause agency problems in the company. This is because perf...
Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan dampak serius pada pertumbuhan ekonomi global termasuk sektor per...
Corporate governance consists of a unique set of rules to protect the interests of company sharehold...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik Islamic corporate governance terhad...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the board of commissioners, board of directors an...
This study is a quantitative study that aims to analyze the effect of good governance business shari...
This study aims to examine the effect of board characteristics on the performance of Islamic banks (...
Purpose of this study is trying to prove the board of commissioner, board of director, the board of ...
Corporate governance consists of a unique set of rules to protect the interests of company sharehold...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan dan Islamic Corporate Governanc...
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh ki...
This research attempts to disclose the implementation of sharia principles in islamic banking perfor...
ABSTRAK Pengaruh Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS) terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah di Indonesia Th...
Implementation of Good Corporate Governance for BUS must be realized in: the tasks and responsibilit...
This study aims to determine how the financial performance of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia ...
Performance is one of the things that can cause agency problems in the company. This is because perf...
Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan dampak serius pada pertumbuhan ekonomi global termasuk sektor per...
Corporate governance consists of a unique set of rules to protect the interests of company sharehold...
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh karakteristik Islamic corporate governance terhad...
The purpose of this study was to determine whether the board of commissioners, board of directors an...
This study is a quantitative study that aims to analyze the effect of good governance business shari...
This study aims to examine the effect of board characteristics on the performance of Islamic banks (...
Purpose of this study is trying to prove the board of commissioner, board of director, the board of ...
Corporate governance consists of a unique set of rules to protect the interests of company sharehold...
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menguji Pengaruh Kinerja Keuangan dan Islamic Corporate Governanc...
Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif yang bertujuan untuk mengukur pengaruh ki...
This research attempts to disclose the implementation of sharia principles in islamic banking perfor...
ABSTRAK Pengaruh Dewan Pengawas Syariah (DPS) terhadap Profitabilitas Bank Syariah di Indonesia Th...
Implementation of Good Corporate Governance for BUS must be realized in: the tasks and responsibilit...
This study aims to determine how the financial performance of Islamic commercial banks in Indonesia ...
Performance is one of the things that can cause agency problems in the company. This is because perf...
Pandemi Covid-19 telah menyebabkan dampak serius pada pertumbuhan ekonomi global termasuk sektor per...