Remaja di Indonesia saat ini memiliki Sikap dan perilaku seksual yang menyimpang antara lain seks diluar nikah, pernikahan usia dini, kehamilan pada remaja. Pada remaja usia 15-19 tahun, proporsi terbesar berpacaran pertama kali pada usia 15-17 tahun. Sekitar 33,3% remaja perempuan dan 34,5% remaja laki-laki yang berusia 15-19 tahun mlai berpacaran saat mereka belum berusia 15 tahun. Pada usia tersebut di khawatirkan belum memiliki keterampilan hidup yang memadai, yang beresiko pada perilaku pacaran tidak sehat yaitu melakukan seks pranikah sehingga dapat mengakhibatkan hamil diluar nikah dan pernikahan usia dini. Kegiatan ini dilakukan di SMA Swasta Katolik di Kota Ruteng dengan jumlah peserta 237 orang. Kegiatan yang dilakukan berupa pend...
The adolescent courtship and sexual behavior, and also gender-based violence against children contin...
Adolescence is a period of high risk associated risky sexual behavior. It is quite reasonable becaus...
Pendidikan seksual di kalangan remaja menjadi salah satu prioritas pendidikan. Banyaknya kasus remaj...
Adolescent as a young generation is an important national asset because on its shoulder lies the res...
Pernikahan dini meningkat sejalan dengan meningkatnya perilaku seksual pranikah. Lebih dari dua pert...
Indonesian teenagers are getting smarter and having higher achievements, yet experiencing disadvanta...
Introduction: Indonesian teenagers seem to be more tolerant of premarital sexual lifestyles or ...
Teen sexual behavior is any behavior that is driven by sexual desire either committed themselves, wi...
The situation of the rise of pornography as a misleading media to the implications of moral decadenc...
In North Maluku, the death rate due to AIDS specifically Ternate is in the first place with the numb...
Adolescent sexual behavior is greatly influenced by social environment. Without properselection, ado...
Adolescent marked with the unbalance physical and mental growth which is followed by behaviorally tr...
Adolescents are individuals who show the secondary sexual signs until they reach sexual maturity. Ma...
Sexual violence often occurs in children and adolescents and the number continues to increase from y...
Adolescent sexual behavior remains a global problem with high reports of cases of adolescents behavi...
The adolescent courtship and sexual behavior, and also gender-based violence against children contin...
Adolescence is a period of high risk associated risky sexual behavior. It is quite reasonable becaus...
Pendidikan seksual di kalangan remaja menjadi salah satu prioritas pendidikan. Banyaknya kasus remaj...
Adolescent as a young generation is an important national asset because on its shoulder lies the res...
Pernikahan dini meningkat sejalan dengan meningkatnya perilaku seksual pranikah. Lebih dari dua pert...
Indonesian teenagers are getting smarter and having higher achievements, yet experiencing disadvanta...
Introduction: Indonesian teenagers seem to be more tolerant of premarital sexual lifestyles or ...
Teen sexual behavior is any behavior that is driven by sexual desire either committed themselves, wi...
The situation of the rise of pornography as a misleading media to the implications of moral decadenc...
In North Maluku, the death rate due to AIDS specifically Ternate is in the first place with the numb...
Adolescent sexual behavior is greatly influenced by social environment. Without properselection, ado...
Adolescent marked with the unbalance physical and mental growth which is followed by behaviorally tr...
Adolescents are individuals who show the secondary sexual signs until they reach sexual maturity. Ma...
Sexual violence often occurs in children and adolescents and the number continues to increase from y...
Adolescent sexual behavior remains a global problem with high reports of cases of adolescents behavi...
The adolescent courtship and sexual behavior, and also gender-based violence against children contin...
Adolescence is a period of high risk associated risky sexual behavior. It is quite reasonable becaus...
Pendidikan seksual di kalangan remaja menjadi salah satu prioritas pendidikan. Banyaknya kasus remaj...