The Qur'an as Kalāmullah is the greatest miracle that was revealed to the prophet Muhammad SAW to be used as a guide for all human life until the Day of Judgment. Therefore, Allah instituted a debilitating or i'jāz character by which he would reveal the incompetence of his opponents. However, from the time of the prophet until now, there have been opponents of the Qur'an or people who doubt its authenticity. For this reason, the scholars are very attentive in discussing the i'jāz al-Qur'an, among those who pay serious attention to this study is Mana' Khalil al-Qattan. Through research that is library research, it can be concluded that, according to Mana' Khalil al-Qattan, the miracles of the Qur'an lie in all its aspects, such as language, ...