These photographs were taken for the 1944-1945 edition of the Uintah High School Yearbook. They are located on page 29. The photograph nearest the upper left corner is of the members of the yearbook staff. In no particular order: Carlie Goodrich (editor), Donna Goodrich (associate and art editor), Ezma Karren (business manager), Nadean Samuels (feature editor), Carma Goodrich (assistant feature editor), Lois Hacking (snapshots), Reva Merrell (sales manager), Barbara Hatch (sport editor), Bud Hacking (sport editor), Barta Caldwell (typists), Jayne Snyder (typist), Isobel Batty (advisers), Owen Slaugh (adviser), and Electa J. Caldwell (adviser). The circular photos in the center of the page are of, from left to right: Carlie Goodrich (editor)...