Mahkamah Konstitusi merupakan institusi peradilan yang dipercaya oleh konstitusi (UUD 1945) untuk mengimplementasikan sistem peradilan impeachment. Peradilan impeachment dimulai dengan permintaan fatwa oleh Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat kepada Mahkamah Konstitusi. Kedudukan Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat dalam persidangan Mahkamah Konstitusi atau dalam sistem peradilan impeachment adalah sebagai pihak pemohon. Permohonan diajukan ke Mahkamah Konstitusi setelah Dewan Perwakilan Rakyat berpendapat bahwa Presiden dan/atau Wakil Presiden telah melakukan pelanggaran yang disebutkan dalam Pasal 7A UUD 1945. Sedangkan putusan yang diberikan oleh Mahkamah Konstitusi menjadi bukti, bahwa Indonesia benar-benar sebagai negara yang berbentuk negara hukum. Kewenanga...
Empirically, the journey of the Indonesian government sees the term impeachment. However, its implem...
Indonesia follows presidensials system, where one of this system applies to mark sense impeachment t...
The one of Constitutional Court authority, commonly it called as a duty, has gived a verdict for Ind...
Mahkamah Konstitusi merupakan institusi peradilan yang dipercaya oleh konstitusi (UUD 1945) untuk me...
Impeachment merupakan proses pemberhentian Presiden dan/atau Wakil Presiden dalam masa jabatannya ya...
Impeachment of the president and / or vice president from office is not new in the constitutional sy...
Impeachment seringkali diartikan sama dengan pemakzulan, padahal keduanya secara akademik berbeda. I...
Abstrak Impeachment merupakan tuduhan atau dakwaan terhadap presiden atau pejabat tinggi negara lain...
In terms of the constitutional basis, the impeachment of the President in his tenure has been set su...
The Constitutional Court is a judicial institution that is trusted by the constitution (UUD 1945) to...
The Constitutional Court of the state institutionformed in the Third Amendment of the 1945Constituti...
The term impeachment is not explicitly written in the constitution. In Big Indonesian Dictionary New...
Presidential impeachment in government institutions are prepared to remind the President, in which t...
The involvement of the constitutional court of RI in examining and ruling on the case of presidenti...
In the process of impeachment, Constitutional Court has the obligation to give its judgement to Hous...
Empirically, the journey of the Indonesian government sees the term impeachment. However, its implem...
Indonesia follows presidensials system, where one of this system applies to mark sense impeachment t...
The one of Constitutional Court authority, commonly it called as a duty, has gived a verdict for Ind...
Mahkamah Konstitusi merupakan institusi peradilan yang dipercaya oleh konstitusi (UUD 1945) untuk me...
Impeachment merupakan proses pemberhentian Presiden dan/atau Wakil Presiden dalam masa jabatannya ya...
Impeachment of the president and / or vice president from office is not new in the constitutional sy...
Impeachment seringkali diartikan sama dengan pemakzulan, padahal keduanya secara akademik berbeda. I...
Abstrak Impeachment merupakan tuduhan atau dakwaan terhadap presiden atau pejabat tinggi negara lain...
In terms of the constitutional basis, the impeachment of the President in his tenure has been set su...
The Constitutional Court is a judicial institution that is trusted by the constitution (UUD 1945) to...
The Constitutional Court of the state institutionformed in the Third Amendment of the 1945Constituti...
The term impeachment is not explicitly written in the constitution. In Big Indonesian Dictionary New...
Presidential impeachment in government institutions are prepared to remind the President, in which t...
The involvement of the constitutional court of RI in examining and ruling on the case of presidenti...
In the process of impeachment, Constitutional Court has the obligation to give its judgement to Hous...
Empirically, the journey of the Indonesian government sees the term impeachment. However, its implem...
Indonesia follows presidensials system, where one of this system applies to mark sense impeachment t...
The one of Constitutional Court authority, commonly it called as a duty, has gived a verdict for Ind...