Magnetic refrigeration is an emerging, environment-friendly technology based on a magnetic solid that acts as a refrigerant by magnetocaloric effect. The reference cycle for magnetic refrigeration is AMR (Active Magnetic Regenerative refrigeration). In this paper, attention is directed towards the near-room-temperature range. We compare the energetic performance of a commercial R134a refrigeration plant to that of a magnetic refrigerator working with an AMR cycle. The comparison is carried out by means of a mathematical model. In these simulations, we consider different solid magnetic refrigerants, namely, Gd, Gd0.95Dy0.05, Gd0.9Tb0.1,Gd5Si2Ge2, MnAs0.9Sb0.1, and MnAs0.95Sb0.05. We compared two different geometries of the regenerator: a por...