Caracterizaci\uf3n de los sedimentos del embalse de Castilseras en el entorno minero de Almad\ue9n

  • Fern\ue1ndez-Naranjo, N.
  • Garc\ueda-Lorenzo, M.L.
  • Higueras, P.
  • Esbr\ued-Victor, J.M.
  • Garc\ueda-Ordiales, E.
  • Covelli, S.
Publication date
January 2016


Sediments from the Castilseras reservoir, located downstream of the Valdeazogues River in the Almad\ue9n mercury district were collected to assess the total mercury content associated with river sediment input from several decommissioned mines. A geochemical characterization, including the determination of total mercury content, were investigated using different physical and chemical techniques. The results obtained suggested that sediments are slightly acidic and characterized by high mercury, related to mining activities. In addition, sediments showed a silty texture and the electrical conductivity results showed moderate salinity, related to acid mine drainage (AMD) processes. The multivariate statistical analysis suggested that mercury ...

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