Cancer remains the leading cause of disease-related death in children. For the many children who experience relapses of their malignant solid tumors, usually after very intensive first-line therapy, curative treatment options are scarce. Preclinical drug testing to identify promising treatment elements that match the molecular make-up of the tumor is hampered by the fact that (i) molecular genetic data on pediatric solid tumors from relapsed patients and thus our understanding of tumor evolution and therapy resistance are very limited to date and (ii) for many of the high-risk entities, no appropriate and molecularly well-characterized patient-derived models and/or genetic mouse models are currently available. However, recent regulatory cha...
New drugs are crucially needed for children with cancer. The European Paediatric Regulation facilita...
BACKGROUND: Children with cancer are in urgent need of new therapies, as approximately 25% of patien...
In the past decade, the landscape of drug development in oncology has evolved dramatically; however,...
Cancer remains the leading cause of disease-related death in children. For the many children who exp...
An urgent need remains for new paediatric oncology drugs to cure children who die from cancer and to...
Overall survival from childhood malignancies has dramatically improved, with survival rates now reac...
Childhood and adolescent cancers are rare diseases. Despite the progress in treatment (more than two...
Paediatric oncology has achieved high cure rates despite the limited availability of drugs that have...
Seven years after the launch of the European Paediatric Medicine Regulation, limited progress in pae...
New drugs are crucially needed for children with cancer. The European Paediatric Regulation facilita...
AbstractSeven years after the launch of the European Paediatric Medicine Regulation, limited progres...
Background To enable the rapid and efficient implementation of early clinical trials for pediatric p...
International audienceBackground: The role of tumor molecular profiling in directing targeted therap...
Abstract: DNA damage response inhibitors have a potentially important therapeutic role in paediatric...
Background: Technological advances including high-throughput sequencing have identified numerous tum...
New drugs are crucially needed for children with cancer. The European Paediatric Regulation facilita...
BACKGROUND: Children with cancer are in urgent need of new therapies, as approximately 25% of patien...
In the past decade, the landscape of drug development in oncology has evolved dramatically; however,...
Cancer remains the leading cause of disease-related death in children. For the many children who exp...
An urgent need remains for new paediatric oncology drugs to cure children who die from cancer and to...
Overall survival from childhood malignancies has dramatically improved, with survival rates now reac...
Childhood and adolescent cancers are rare diseases. Despite the progress in treatment (more than two...
Paediatric oncology has achieved high cure rates despite the limited availability of drugs that have...
Seven years after the launch of the European Paediatric Medicine Regulation, limited progress in pae...
New drugs are crucially needed for children with cancer. The European Paediatric Regulation facilita...
AbstractSeven years after the launch of the European Paediatric Medicine Regulation, limited progres...
Background To enable the rapid and efficient implementation of early clinical trials for pediatric p...
International audienceBackground: The role of tumor molecular profiling in directing targeted therap...
Abstract: DNA damage response inhibitors have a potentially important therapeutic role in paediatric...
Background: Technological advances including high-throughput sequencing have identified numerous tum...
New drugs are crucially needed for children with cancer. The European Paediatric Regulation facilita...
BACKGROUND: Children with cancer are in urgent need of new therapies, as approximately 25% of patien...
In the past decade, the landscape of drug development in oncology has evolved dramatically; however,...