Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti povezanost obrazovanja i fertiliteta kod žena koje imaju trenutno prebivalište na prostoru Međimurske županije i rodile su u Županijskoj bolnici Čakovec. Nacrt studije: Presječna studija Ispitanici i metode: Žene koje su rodile u razdoblju 01.01.-30.06.2021 godine u Županijskoj bolnici Čakovec, Odjel Rodilišta s rađaonom i patologijom trudnoće. Veličina uzorka je 500 ispitanica. Rezultati: Tijekom promatranog razdoblja obavljeno je 500 poroda. Središnja vrijednosti (medijan) dobi rodilja je 24 godine(interkvartilnog raspona od 21 do 28 godina) u rasponu od 15 do 40 godina, a medijan dosadašnjih poroda je jedan (interkvartilnog raspona od 1 do 2 poroda). Kod prvog poroda raspon dobi je od 12 do 40 godina. Najv...
This is the second of two companion papers addressing the association between educational attainment...
This paper reviews research on education and childbearing in Europe over the last decade. Early demo...
Increasing shares of European women are making large investments in their human capital. Whether and...
Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti povezanost obrazovanja i fertiliteta kod žena koje imaju trenutno prebi...
Među zemljama postoje razlike u razinama fertiliteta, a iz literature je poznato kako postoji više č...
Fertility in the modern world is influenced by many factors, from the individual, through the influe...
Serbia has been facing a childbearing crisis and its repercussions for decades, despite the populati...
Vidljivo je kako na fertilitet u suvremenom svijetu utječe mnogo faktora, od pojedinca, preko utjeca...
The author investigate the general pattern of childlessness by woman's educational level, with the a...
This paper explores the pattern of parity of liveborn children with respect to the women's education...
Diskuse o plodnosti vysokoškolaček, které dle různých názorů odkládají rodičovské povinnosti do vyšš...
The study examined the role of education on fertility trends in Faisalabad city. For the purpose pri...
In many developed countries a decline in fertility has occurred. This development has been attribut...
In many developed countries a decline in fertility has occurred. This development has been attribute...
In many developed countries a decline in fertility has occurred. This development has been attribute...
This is the second of two companion papers addressing the association between educational attainment...
This paper reviews research on education and childbearing in Europe over the last decade. Early demo...
Increasing shares of European women are making large investments in their human capital. Whether and...
Cilj istraživanja: Istražiti povezanost obrazovanja i fertiliteta kod žena koje imaju trenutno prebi...
Među zemljama postoje razlike u razinama fertiliteta, a iz literature je poznato kako postoji više č...
Fertility in the modern world is influenced by many factors, from the individual, through the influe...
Serbia has been facing a childbearing crisis and its repercussions for decades, despite the populati...
Vidljivo je kako na fertilitet u suvremenom svijetu utječe mnogo faktora, od pojedinca, preko utjeca...
The author investigate the general pattern of childlessness by woman's educational level, with the a...
This paper explores the pattern of parity of liveborn children with respect to the women's education...
Diskuse o plodnosti vysokoškolaček, které dle různých názorů odkládají rodičovské povinnosti do vyšš...
The study examined the role of education on fertility trends in Faisalabad city. For the purpose pri...
In many developed countries a decline in fertility has occurred. This development has been attribut...
In many developed countries a decline in fertility has occurred. This development has been attribute...
In many developed countries a decline in fertility has occurred. This development has been attribute...
This is the second of two companion papers addressing the association between educational attainment...
This paper reviews research on education and childbearing in Europe over the last decade. Early demo...
Increasing shares of European women are making large investments in their human capital. Whether and...