Ovim radom želim ukazati na utjecaj pojedinaca (umjetnika, muzičara) na razvoj kontrabasa u orkestru koristeći se raznom zanimljivom literaturom. Odvajanje dionice kontrabasa bio je velik i izazovan korak u svijetu glazbe i umjetnosti kao takve. Zahvaljujući pojedincima koji su navedeni u ovom radu, danas možemo uživati u svim blagodatima i mogućnostima koje ovaj instrument nudi. Veliki umjetnici kao što su Haydn, Mozart, Dragonetti i Beethoven, postavili su temelj razvoja kontrabasa. Svojim trudom, radom i vježbanjem, virtuoznost sviranja kontrabasa prvi je pokazao Domenico Dragonetti. Bez sumnje, svojim sviračkim umijećem zadivio je mnoge te je time, na svojevrstan način, započela jedna nova era za kontrabas uopće. Beethovenovim odvajanje...
The double bass concerto, written by Estonian composer Eduard Tubin in 1948, greatly contributed to ...
The diploma thesis discusses double bass concertos by the Vienese 18th century composer – Carl Ditte...
My bachelors thesis ( The double bass in jazz, with special attention on Czech jazz double bassists)...
Ovim radom želim ukazati na utjecaj pojedinaca (umjetnika, muzičara) na razvoj kontrabasa u orkestru...
Ovim radom želim ukazati na bitne promjene i postupke koji su kroz povijest obuhvatili razvoj kontra...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBu çalışmada 18. Yüzyıl'ın ikinci yarısına damgasını vuran Klasik dönemin ve 19. Y...
The double bass is among all the other string instruments a very rare one, as to it’s original devel...
Araştırmanın problemi; Kontrbasın solo çalgı olarak ön plana çıktığı Viyana Klasik Döneminde Kontrba...
TEZ12955Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2020.Kaynakça (s. 107-109) var.XII, 110...
This work is based on research about the different tuning systems adopted by bass string instrumenta...
Reg. No. MK ČR E 24275My dissertation project Double bass in Czech music of the 21st century with a ...
DOUBLE BASS PLAYING - Historical, Pedagogical and Musical Theoretical Aspects ABSTRACT This disserta...
Delo sprva namenja poseben poudarek razvoju orkestracije čez čas. Prikaže, kako je razvoj instrument...
This thesis deals with the formation and history of the National theatre orchestra in Prague. The ma...
Until Serge Prokofiev’s 1924 ballet score Trapèze, the double bass occupied a background or at best ...
The double bass concerto, written by Estonian composer Eduard Tubin in 1948, greatly contributed to ...
The diploma thesis discusses double bass concertos by the Vienese 18th century composer – Carl Ditte...
My bachelors thesis ( The double bass in jazz, with special attention on Czech jazz double bassists)...
Ovim radom želim ukazati na utjecaj pojedinaca (umjetnika, muzičara) na razvoj kontrabasa u orkestru...
Ovim radom želim ukazati na bitne promjene i postupke koji su kroz povijest obuhvatili razvoj kontra...
Yüksek Lisans TeziBu çalışmada 18. Yüzyıl'ın ikinci yarısına damgasını vuran Klasik dönemin ve 19. Y...
The double bass is among all the other string instruments a very rare one, as to it’s original devel...
Araştırmanın problemi; Kontrbasın solo çalgı olarak ön plana çıktığı Viyana Klasik Döneminde Kontrba...
TEZ12955Tez (Yüksek Lisans) -- Çukurova Üniversitesi, Adana, 2020.Kaynakça (s. 107-109) var.XII, 110...
This work is based on research about the different tuning systems adopted by bass string instrumenta...
Reg. No. MK ČR E 24275My dissertation project Double bass in Czech music of the 21st century with a ...
DOUBLE BASS PLAYING - Historical, Pedagogical and Musical Theoretical Aspects ABSTRACT This disserta...
Delo sprva namenja poseben poudarek razvoju orkestracije čez čas. Prikaže, kako je razvoj instrument...
This thesis deals with the formation and history of the National theatre orchestra in Prague. The ma...
Until Serge Prokofiev’s 1924 ballet score Trapèze, the double bass occupied a background or at best ...
The double bass concerto, written by Estonian composer Eduard Tubin in 1948, greatly contributed to ...
The diploma thesis discusses double bass concertos by the Vienese 18th century composer – Carl Ditte...
My bachelors thesis ( The double bass in jazz, with special attention on Czech jazz double bassists)...