EAT EGG adalah bisnis proposal yang diajukan oleh Jonathan, mahasiswa prodi perhotelan UMN, mengenai usaha kecil menengah yang memproduksi dan menjual produk olahan telur. Telur kaya akan vitamin dan asam amino, yang dapat membantu Anda mendapatkan pertumbuhan otot. Selain asam amino, ada jumlah zat besi, antioksidan, dan vitamin yang baik. Kondisi wabah saat ini menuntut masyarakat untuk menjaga kebugaran tubuh dengan cara meminum vitamin dan mengkonsumsi makanan bergizi. EAT EGG mendistribusikan makanan berbahan dasar telur, produk andalannya adalah olesan telur. EAT EGG terinspirasi dari Tamago Sando. Tamago Sando adalah sandwich salad dengan telur Jepang yang populer yang dapat ditemukan di banyak Konbini (toko serba ada). Eat egg menye...
Malang Regency is one of the districts in East Java which is famous for its food business. One of th...
Cured egg yolk merupakan salah satu produk olahan yang belum populer di Indonesia. Produk olahan te...
Vegan eggs are designed with the aim to provide a healthier and more sustainable alternative to regu...
EAT EGG adalah bisnis proposal yang diajukan oleh Jonathan, mahasiswa prodi perhotelan UMN, mengenai...
Eggs are perfect foodstuffs because they contain nutrients such as protein, fat, vitamins, and miner...
ABSTRACT The benefits of eggs in human life are so great that eggs are highly recommended for consum...
For centuries, eggs have provided healthy and high quality protein to people around the world. No fo...
Chicken eggs enriched with antioxidants are produced to provide functional foods that are healthier ...
Purpose This study aims to provide important methods to increase egg usage eggs in communal food se...
Telur merupakan salah satu sumber protein hewani yang mempunyai rasa yang enak, mudah dicerna dan be...
The Covid-19 pandemic severely affect the economic sector especially on food security and purchasing...
Eggs have been consumed throughout human history, though the full potential of this nutritionally co...
Eggs are an almost perfect source of animal protein. Commercial chicken eggs are a perfect food that...
C. J. Andersen and A. R. Van Dyke are contributing authors, Modulation of Inflammation by Egg Compo...
Salah satu upaya mempertahankan imunitas adalah dengan mengonsumsi pangan fungsional yang bermanfaat...
Malang Regency is one of the districts in East Java which is famous for its food business. One of th...
Cured egg yolk merupakan salah satu produk olahan yang belum populer di Indonesia. Produk olahan te...
Vegan eggs are designed with the aim to provide a healthier and more sustainable alternative to regu...
EAT EGG adalah bisnis proposal yang diajukan oleh Jonathan, mahasiswa prodi perhotelan UMN, mengenai...
Eggs are perfect foodstuffs because they contain nutrients such as protein, fat, vitamins, and miner...
ABSTRACT The benefits of eggs in human life are so great that eggs are highly recommended for consum...
For centuries, eggs have provided healthy and high quality protein to people around the world. No fo...
Chicken eggs enriched with antioxidants are produced to provide functional foods that are healthier ...
Purpose This study aims to provide important methods to increase egg usage eggs in communal food se...
Telur merupakan salah satu sumber protein hewani yang mempunyai rasa yang enak, mudah dicerna dan be...
The Covid-19 pandemic severely affect the economic sector especially on food security and purchasing...
Eggs have been consumed throughout human history, though the full potential of this nutritionally co...
Eggs are an almost perfect source of animal protein. Commercial chicken eggs are a perfect food that...
C. J. Andersen and A. R. Van Dyke are contributing authors, Modulation of Inflammation by Egg Compo...
Salah satu upaya mempertahankan imunitas adalah dengan mengonsumsi pangan fungsional yang bermanfaat...
Malang Regency is one of the districts in East Java which is famous for its food business. One of th...
Cured egg yolk merupakan salah satu produk olahan yang belum populer di Indonesia. Produk olahan te...
Vegan eggs are designed with the aim to provide a healthier and more sustainable alternative to regu...