This thesis consists of two points of view to regard degree-(g′+1) tropical morphisms Φ : (Γ,w) → Δ from a genus-(2g′) weighted metric graph (Γ,w) to a metric tree Δ, where g′ is a positive integer. The first point of view, developed in Part I, is purely combinatorial and constructive. It culminates with an application to bound the gonality of (Γ,w). The second point of view, developed in Part II, incorporates category theory to construct a unified framework under which both Φ and higher dimensional analogues can be understood. These higher dimensional analogues appear in the construction of a moduli space Gtrop/g→0,d parametrizing the tropical morphisms Φ, and a moduli spaceMtrop/g parametrizing the (Γ,w). There is a natural projection map...